All Travelers fall for these 4 Money-Spending Travel Gimmicks[And How To Avoid Them]

You spend money on these activities without realizing

Selvin Furtado
3 min readNov 24, 2023


Cameraspolaroids placed on a world map
Photo by Charlotte Noelle on Unsplash

Traveling to a new location is an activity etched into our memories.

It is a cumulation of vivid experiences that differ from our daily routine.

Traveling has always been an activity that I looked forward to. Exploring new locations, trying out different cuisines, and experiencing a new lifestyle are some perks you enjoy. But…..

Have you ever wondered about the common Travel Notions? Things that are done unknowingly.

We often fall for these travel gimmicks(including me) as they seem normal at the time but could withdraw us from a new experience. I hadn’t considered it until recently, and it did change my outlook the next time I was in a similar situation. Well, you might be wondering what are these travel gimmicks.

Let’s take a look….

Travel Gimmick 1: Food Choices

Often at times, we buy food from local stores, supermarkets, or eateries as we are on the go discovering new excursions. Eatables like coke, aerated drinks, a bag of chips, or something sweet is our first choice.

This is the first mistake. Usually, we opt for food items that are familiar to us instead of trying different options that aren’t available back home. By simply exercising various options, you would be surprised by what you would encounter. This significantly reduces your expenses and brings in new food experiences.

Familiarity is what prevents us from trying something new.

Travel Gimmick 2: Group/Private Transport

To save money, booking a van or bus along with fellow group travelers is a valid option. However, many locations offer seamless local transport that we may miss out on due to our initial choices.

You understand the connectivity of neighboring cities, tour various transport options, and be exposed to local culture and their way of living. These active choices bring unique experiences that shape your view of a place. Reasonable options like a travel card and metro pass can provide ease to travel between new locations.

Travel Gimmick 3: Mementos and Souvenirs

Purchasing mementos and souvenirs that remind us about our vacation is a part of everyone’s vacation plan. However, post the trip, it lies around in one corner or is gifted to our friend/relative who cannot associate with our experience. It could be time brought back to experiment with.

I am a big believer that a picture with a famous landmark, experiencing a new activity, trying regional cuisine, or just soaking in a beautiful landscape can leave a lasting memory that a souvenir/memento cannot replace. It is just an added expense that we feel compelled to purchase.

Travel Gimmick 4: Conversation Disparity

It is exhausting to plan for every aspect of a trip. Similarly, exploring a few too many places can disrupt our travel experience. It leads to spending additional money without knowing whether it is an experience we would enjoy.

Communicating with locals or people from different backgrounds on a vacation isn’t our priority. Often, at times, it is something we neglect. But, it can open new doors as someone’s experience could be your treasure. It uncovers hidden gems such as exquisite locations at affordable rates, amazing suggestions(food, excursions), and an insight into their lives.

A simple “HI” or a Question can spark a new experience.

This highlighted a different view about my choices while traveling and introduced me to a new perspective that has made my trip more memorable and exciting.

Do share and comment if you found this article interesting or have something more to add on the subject, and I am always open to feedback.

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Selvin Furtado

Writing about topics that I am passionate about | Navigating through my 20's | Writing: Travel, Habits and Watches