Book Review

“Almost Adulting” is A Must Read Book

My Review for Almost Adulting


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Ever find yourself at the crossroads of adulthood, armed with a questionable sense of responsibility and a laundry list of unanswered questions?

Well, you’re not alone, and Arden Rose’s “Almost Adulting” is here to assure you that the messiness of your 20s is a shared experience, not a solitary struggle.

This Book is a Must Read. Here is Why…

Image created with Canva by the Author

Navigating the Turbulent Sea of Adulting

This book isn’t your typical guide on conquering adulthood.

No fancy diagrams, no stiff upper lip advice.

Instead, it’s a cozy chat with a 21-year-old who’s been there, done that, and is here to tell you, “It’s okay to feel lost, my friend.”

In a mere 200 pages, Rose dives into the tumultuous waters of self-importance, modern-day relationships, body image, mental health, OCD, family dynamics, sex, and the rollercoaster of emotions that accompany this phase of life.

Rose doesn’t throw facts and figures at you; instead, she offers anecdotes, personal revelations, and a genuine reassurance that your confusion is part and parcel of growing up.

It’s like having a late-night conversation with a friend who’s got your back, cushioned with humor, vulnerability, and a sprinkle of wisdom.

Screenshot by Author

Rose’s Unique Voice: Your Friend in Print

One of the standout features of “Almost Adulting” is Rose’s informal writing style.

It’s not a formal lecture; it’s a friendly nudge in the right direction.

The words feel like they’re flowing effortlessly from a friend who’s been through the awkwardness, survived the chaos, and is now handing you a survival guide with a cheeky grin.

“I liked the book; it was a light read, and I would recommend everyone going through their 20s (Hey, it honestly doesn’t matter, read it no matter how old you are!) to read this book. It’s funny, easy to read, and totally relatable. It has cute little sketches everywhere, and it’s totally adorable.”

Those are not just words; they encapsulate the essence of the book.

It’s not just about absorbing wisdom; it’s about sharing a laugh, acknowledging the shared struggles, and realizing that, yes, you’re doing just fine, flaws and all.

Navigating the Maze: Insights and Laughter

Within these pages, Rose doesn’t just discuss the topics; she unravels the messy bow around each one.

Whether it’s the pressures of self-importance, the intricacies of modern relationships, or the hodgepodge of emotions that come with adulting, Rose lends a voice that resonates.

She doesn’t preach; she chats.

And in that conversation, you find nuggets of insights that make you nod in agreement, chuckle at the absurdity, and perhaps feel a tad less alone in your journey.

Illustrations and Relatability: A Perfect Duo

What’s more, the book is sprinkled with adorable sketches that complement Rose’s narrative.

It’s not just about the words; it’s about the visual journey that adds a playful touch to the entire experience.

The doodles aren’t just there for decoration; they’re an integral part of making the content more relatable, breaking the ice on serious topics, and, let’s face it, making you smile.

Image created with Canva by the Author

In Conclusion: An Unrated Gem

So, would I rate this book on a conventional scale?

Not a chance.

The beauty of “Almost Adulting” lies beyond the confines of stars or numbers.

It’s an unrated gem that transcends the boundaries of typical critiques.

It’s an experience, a companion, and a reminder that navigating your 20s is a collective adventure.

So, here’s to “Almost Adulting,” a book that’s not just a read but a warm embrace in the midst of the chaos.
Happy reading!!

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