
Ancient Perspective on Human Behaviour

The Four Humours

2 min readJan 6, 2024



Throughout history, scholars and thinkers have been intrigued by the concept of four humors that are based on ancient Greek and Romans’ medicine. This theory suggested that human health and personality were determined by the balance of four bodily fluids or humors: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile, dating from the teachings of Hippocrates, the father of medicine.

Blood (Sanguine)

An excess of blood was associated with a cheerful and optimistic personality, according to the ancient Greeks. They were thought to be sociable, outgoing and enthusiastic people who had a dominant sanguine attitude. They’re thought to have an abundance of life force, which makes them lively and energetic.

Phlegm (Phlegmatic)

It was thought that a surplus of phlegm, associated with water, contributed to a phlegmatic state. It was considered that those with this temperament were quiet, organized and emotionally stable. Phlegmatics were thought to be trustworthy, emotionally unemotional and often behaved in an amiable manner.

Black Bile (Melancholic)

An excess of black bile, one of the four humors, had been a factor in this…

