Are Social Media Influencers Getting Rich or Barely Getting By?

Kristen Kay Brady
3 min readJun 19, 2024


Are platforms paying less to content creators?


So the Wall Street Journal just put out an article entitled, “Social-Media Influencers Aren’t Getting Rich — They’re Barely Getting By.” They are basically saying that “platforms are paying less for popular posts, brands are pickier about partnerships and a possible TikTok ban looms.”

The article goes on to say that “Many people dream of becoming social-media stars like YouTube’s MrBeast or TikTok’s Charli D’Amelio. But for most who pursue careers as content creators, just making ends meet is a lofty goal.”

So, is this true?

Well, most of us are members here on Are your earnings decreasing? I’ve heard a mixed bag from different writers here on this platform. Some say they actually left the platform because of low earnings month after month, and I’ve heard some say that their earnings are only getting better month after month.

Speaking only for myself, last month I had my highest earning month on record on Medium. But this month, I seem to have hit a brick wall. No matter how much work I put into it, I can’t seem to get the numbers to move up significantly.

I have not been able to sell any eBooks on Gumroad and I lost 3 paid subscribers on Substack last…

