Are We Living in the Matrix? A Thought-Provoking Debate with chatGPT

Ghulam Murtaza Abbasi
4 min readJul 14, 2024


Though chatGPT couldn’t convince me that I’m living in Matrix

Photo by ANIRUDH on Unsplash

The concept of the Matrix, popularized by the iconic film, suggests that our reality might be an elaborate simulation. This idea challenges our perceptions and understanding of the world. Recently, I engaged in a fascinating debate with Murtaza, who lives in Hyderabad, Pakistan, about the plausibility of living in the Matrix. Here’s a summary of our discussion.

chatGPT: Murtaza, have you ever noticed small inconsistencies in your daily life? Things that seem out of place or repetitive patterns that feel unnatural?

Me: Like what?

chatGPT: Like déjà vu moments where you feel like you’ve experienced something before, or minor glitches where objects appear differently than you remember. Ever had a situation where something changed inexplicably, like an object moving on its own or a sudden, unexplained event?

Me: I know about the phenomenon of déjà vu. On the other hand, if something unexpected happens around me, like moving things on its own, it’s either because of air pressure or ghosts.

chatGPT: Fair point. But…

