snobby statue of an introvert
Photo by Artem R. on Unsplash

Being An Introvert Is an Elitist Convenience Trap

And we all fell for it

3 min readJul 15, 2024


We all know the feeling. The drain. Too many social interactions. Too much stimulus. That birthday party, and oh lord, that wedding. Draining our batteries for days or sometimes even weeks.

We have a convenient excuse

We’re introverts.

Somehow millenial culture and the internet have managed to make introverts cool. Did you notice all the memes that float around depicting introverts as socially awkward but somehow superior?

Everyone who enjoys social interactions and fun is downplayed. Silly plebs.

We introverts rule the world. We are the creative types, the intellectuals and of course the solopreneurs, operating outside society’s framework and loving every second of it, right?

I have four decades worth of experience being a proud introvert, and yes I already was one in kindergarden. Back then of course “introvert” was a word no one knew. I was just “odd” or “artistic” (no, not autistic, that’s another word that wasn’t invented yet).

The odd kid in kindergarden grew into the creative student in the last row, doodling all day and reading weird fiction, getting good grades but mostly minding his own business. Then, of course, as…




Hailing from Austria, a self-employed graphics designer and writer since 2009. Loves long walks in the forest, rain, thoughtful solitude and silly raccoons.