Being Intelligent Isn’t Enough

Elias Bsaibes
2 min readAug 13, 2024
By Pixabay on Pexels

If you’re consuming this type of content, you’re an intellectual person, no doubt about it. But here’s the hard truth: This intelligence alone won’t get you far.

Don’t get me wrong.

Being intelligent gives you a valuable advantage over others.

But, is it enough?

Well, it clearly depends on your actions and choices.

If you set goals and tell everybody you know about them, without even trying to get closer to them, you’re just a daydreamer and won’t achieve anything.

Here, your intelligence is useless because you lack discipline and courage.

Contrast this with someone who may not be as intelligent but works relentlessly towards his goals. Their success often stems from his persistence and willingness to face challenges.

It’s not just about being smart; it’s about being smart with how you act on your intelligence.

He’s less intelligent, yes, but he achieved his goals, unlike you.

So what should you do to make the most out of your intelligence?

Look carefully at what makes successful people successful.

They have these skills:

  1. Discipline
    They do hard things even if they don’t feel like it because they understand the concept of delayed gratification. It is painful at the start but at the end, there is a massive reward waiting.
  2. Consistency.
    It’s the ability to stick to a specific routine even on days when it’s difficult. Consistency goes hand in hand with discipline.
  3. The curiosity to experience.
    They turn their curiosity into an invaluable asset by testing and experiencing various topics they’re interested in, without fear of failure or regret. This is essential because it helps them detect hidden talents that may go unnoticed otherwise.
  4. Speed of execution. (I talked about it in this article)

These skills are accessible to everyone, so you don’t have excuses.

I will probably write many articles about these skills soon, so don’t forget to follow.

Nurture these traits, and go on your way to achieve success.

Don’t wait for success, because success is already waiting for you.

I would love to hear your stories in the comments.

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Thank you for reading! See you in the next article.

