Beyond the Noise: Crafting Your Path Amidst Advice

Building Your Narrative Amidst the Chorus of Advice

Nnamdi Samuel
4 min readNov 21, 2023


Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

I used to be timid and prone to being easily influenced by the decisions of my peers. The friends I had had great ways of making their opinions seem right. This made me feel less confident if I decided to follow my path.

Many of these instances have led to my lack of productivity, as I often lack confidence in my decision-making.

The inspiration to compose this article came from this little experience:

During one of the festive seasons years ago, I was supposed to go to the beach with my friends. I had a beautiful pair of shoes that would have been best for such an outing, but my feet didn’t perfectly fit into the shoes, and I developed bruises each time I had them on.

Even though I had informed my friends about the discomfort I experienced whenever I wore the shoe, they insisted that I wear it due to its aesthetic appeal. They didn’t understand the depth of pain I faced the few times I used it, as my words alone weren’t enough to convince them.

“C’mon, Nnamdi, this is just for about four hours, and we’ll be back.”

They didn’t understand that two hours would be enough to set my feet on fire.

Only I understood how detrimental it would have been if I yielded to their desires. I would have felt very uncomfortable and may not have been able to participate in the activities at the beach.

When confronted with choices along our journey, it’s acceptable to consider the advice of others. However, their words should only supplement, not dictate, our decisions, if necessary.

Blindly following the advice of others, especially when we know the truth within us, may result in painful outcomes we will regret forever.

There’s a need to trust your instinct!

No one understands you better than you do

I do not know about other parts of the world, but at least in the part where I come from, over 90% of parents are strong determinants of the careers of their children, and most times, they get it wrong. This has led to the death of many dreams.

No doubt, our parents and other loved ones want the best for us and would love to see us rule our worlds. But their knowledge about us is limited.

No one understands you better than you do (not even your mother). You alone know what agitates within you, and you know your capacity to do anything.

Having befriended the elder brother of CKay, the renowned “Love Nwantiti” crooner, I uncovered a fascinating story.

Born into a family of medical professionals, CKay’s parents and some of his siblings pursued careers in the medical field, while others excelled in various professions.

Despite being a straight-A student, the family expected him to follow the established trajectory and either become a medical professional or at least pursue higher education immediately after high school.

However, CKay harbored a different dream.

He expressed his desire to become a music star to his parents; this was strange to them and met with strong opposition.

He persisted in pursuing his passion, facing familial resistance. His parents, convinced that the music industry held no promising future for him, attempted to dissuade him from this unconventional path.

In the end, this disagreement spurred CKay to take a bold step: at the age of 19, he ran away from home to chase his dreams.

In an interview, he mentioned that despite his excellent academic performance in high school, he was certain music was the right path for him. He refused to be carried away by the wave of his family’s choice for him.

Every individual’s journey is unique, and what worked for one person may not necessarily work for another. The intricacies of your personal and professional life, your strengths, and your challenges are distinct.

While advice from others is valuable, it may not perfectly align with your circumstances. In contrast, your instincts are finely tuned to your unique situation, providing a tailored guide through the intricacies of decision-making.

Final thoughts

While the counsel of others can offer value, it must serve as a supplement to, rather than a determinant of, your decision-making process.

Embrace the distinctiveness of your journey, learn through experience, give priority to authenticity, remain adaptable, and nurture confidence in your instincts. This way, you can navigate life’s challenges with resilience and authenticity. Don’t just follow their advice; follow your instinct instead.



Nnamdi Samuel

Lifelong learner || Productivity Enthusiast || Engineer