Bring Back Creativity By Changing Your Route

How to have joy in your days

Trista Signe Ainsworth


Photo by Samson Katt from Pexels

“We’re not lost. We’re just headed somewhere different.”
Emily X.R. Pan, The Astonishing Color of After

This past weekend we had the opportunity of experiencing a different neighborhood. A dear friend of ours asked us to look in on her cat for the weekend.

She lives in a condominium in Portland, whereas we are out in the suburbs. It is a different world downtown, one that sparks creativity and curiosity.

It felt as if we were in a slightly different universe for three days, and it made my spirit feel very expansive.

On my 100-day journey exploring routines, habits, and creativity, this experience helped me step out of my comfort zone and into something new.

The part I liked best about being there was walking everywhere. It reminded me of the summer of 2019 when we were in Japan. Everything was a short walk or quick train ride away. Most of the time, there was no need for a car.

It helped me think of ways in which I could walk more in our neighborhood. It is true that in our area stores and services are further away.



Trista Signe Ainsworth

I write stories of love and encouragement from my heart to yours.