Can We Manifest Joy and Abundance Daily?

What if our greatness awaits us in the field of infinite possibilities?



“She Lives in Joy” by Carmellita using

What if life is a joyous, beautiful, and adventurous trip through the Cosmos?

What if we are on a Fantastic Voyage in Creatorship?

Once we accept the beauty and expansiveness of who we are and commit to experiencing life as our authentic selves, we bypass and transcend the barriers of scarcity and lack. Emboldened and animated, we make a quantum leap into abundant living with enthusiasm and vigor.

Magic, wonder, color — allowing the light of Spirit to flow through us as we create our world in harmony with the Cosmos is pure bliss. This use of our manifestation powers is the greatest way to continue our expansion and evolution as creators. Yes, you are a creator and perhaps, a creator-in-training.

I see life as just that — navigating through creation while creating experiences. During this fantastic voyage, you may take twists and turns that are great experiences. These experiences allow you to create, add to the field of consciousness, and elevate in Spiritual and personal power.

Other times, you may take twists and turns and run into heartbreak, disappoints, and life-altering trauma, but you continue to live. You don’t break…




Writer, Poet, Storyteller, & Scholar. Co-founder of BA in Speech Communication. Former ghostwriter who came back to life.