Can You Really Have Too Much Money In Retirement?

You can always give it away

Floyd Mori


Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Whether you have a little or a lot, you can share.

Some people say they want to run out of money by the time they die. Some say they have saved too much for their retirement years.

There are elderly millionaires and billionaires who definitely have more money than they need or can ever spend in their lifetimes. They have amassed great sums of wealth which will go somewhere when they die. Some middle class people who may not be considered wealthy have saved a lot of money for retirement.

Can you ever have too much money in retirement? It is unlikely that would be the case because you can always give away money. There are so many worthy causes and millions of individual people who could use some financial help.

It is easy to give away money. MacKenzie Scott is good at it. She has given away billions since she received her divorce settlement of over $30 billion from Jeff Bezos. She continues to fulfill her commitment that she made when joining Warren Buffett and Bill Gates in the giving pledge where wealthy people of the world commit to giving away half or most of their fortunes.



Floyd Mori

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits.