Can You Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions? The mechanics of achieving real results

Making Lasting Changes and Achieving Your Goals in the New Year

Nikita Ponomarenko
5 min readJan 6, 2023


Image by Ikigloo on Unsplash

If you’re like many people, setting ambitious New Year’s resolutions can be difficult to keep. Despite your best intentions, it can often seem like an uphill battle to stay on track in order to reach those goals. The truth is, achieving long-term success requires the ability to plan and manage expectations accordingly.

In this article, we’ll explain why it takes so much time and effort to make meaningful changes to our lifestyle, as well as provide tips on how to plan and stay motivated throughout the process.

Here’s what we’re going to talk about

- Why making lifestyle changes is so hard

- The importance of having discipline and a good mentor

- Potential issues such as lack of motivation or knowledge that may impede success

- Competing priorities that can distract us from our goals

- Tips on how to plan for long-term success

- Strategies for staying motivated and on track with our goals

–What’s the planning fallacy and how does it affect your goals

Why do people write their new year’s resolutions anyway?

The annual tradition of writing New Year resolutions is one that many of us engage in, with the intent to bring forth positive change in our lives. It symbolizes a commitment we make to ourselves and serves as a means for tracking progress and staying motivated throughout the year. Whether it be physical health, mental wellness, career improvement, financial security, spiritual growth, or relationships with family and friends, we all have goals that we hope to accomplish in the year ahead.

Why do we fail at new year’s resolutions?

The planning fallacy is why we so often fail to keep our New Year’s resolutions. When making predictions about completing a task or achieving a goal, we tend to rely on our own opinions and experiences instead of considering relevant past experiences — a phenomenon known as the internal perspective.

Internal perspective is a way of thinking that causes us to rely on our own opinions and experiences when trying to guess what will happen in the future.

In simple words it means that when making decisions, we tend to rely on our own perceptions and values rather than considering external factors.

This could be dangerous in certain situations as it could lead us to make assumptions that are not accurate or don’t take into account all potential outcomes.

Internal perspective may also be driven by the desire to meet one’s personal expectations or goals, leading us to discount potential delays or obstacles that could arise during the completion of a task.

Last year, the top resolution of many people was to eat healthier, exercise more, and lose weight — yet why is it that so many of us end up failing at these goals? The biggest reason for this is because we often underestimate the amount of time and effort it takes to make significant changes in our lifestyle and effectively reach desired goals. We think, “I can just make a few minor tweaks here and there and I’ll be fine.”

Unfortunately, it isn’t quite that easy.

For example let’s consider what you’d need to change in order to start eating healthier: throwing away most of the food you have at home; changing your diet completely, not just making a few minor adjustments; cutting out most sweets; saying goodbye to beer and pizza nights with friends; no longer being able to eat outside because of the high calorie content of much of the food there; and, of course, saying goodbye to social gatherings with friends in bars.

It’s clear to see that this isn’t a simple task!

The point is, making real change in your life is challenging and takes dedication — something we often forget when setting our goals for the new year. If you understand what it will take before starting down the journey of transforming your lifestyle, then you can better prepare yourself for a successful journey ahead.

These are some more reasons why we don’t set realistic goals

We also may lack the necessary motivation or discipline to stick with a plan for long-term change, leading to frustration and eventually giving up.

In addition, we might not have the knowledge or understanding of nutrition, exercise, and health to create a successful weight-loss plan.

A lot of what you hear and read on the internet isn’t true, they’re just trying to sell you stuff. It’s why you see “the best new workout” and “the last diet plant you need” every day. All of them are designed to grab your attention so you’ll buy their stuff. There are some good products, but there aren’t many.

Competing priorities such as work, family obligations, and social activities which can distract them from their goals. Getting to the gym three to five times a week will mean giving up a lot. For most people, the gym isn’t worth sacrificing another hour of sleep.

Consequently, this inaccurate prediction leaves us feeling discouraged and unmotivated when our resolution fails. There’s a solution for the madness, don’t worry

Check out these things you can do today

- Use a combination of both case-based and distributional information when making time estimates

- Consult with others who have experienced similar tasks in the past

- Break the task down into smaller milestones or sub-tasks

- Remain realistic and be willing to adjust the plan if needed

- Set manageable milestones to ensure all of the factors involved in completing a task are taken into account

- Avoid overestimating what can be accomplished in a given period of time

- Don’t get discouraged and give up on your goals.

Successfully achieving long-term goals is a process that requires planning, discipline, motivation, and knowledge. It can be difficult to make meaningful changes to our lifestyle if we lack the necessary resources or understanding.

However, by breaking down tasks into smaller milestones, consulting with others who have experienced similar tasks in the past, and setting manageable goals, it is possible to achieve success in the New Year.

With an understanding of why it takes so much time and effort to make lasting changes, you can learn to set realistic expectations and stay motivated throughout the process — and hopefully enjoy the rewards that come with achieving your New Year’s resolutions.

Here’s what you need to know

- It takes time and effort to make meaningful changes to our lifestyle

- Identify competing priorities that can distract you from your goals

- Create a plan for success with realistic goals and achievable milestones

- Stay motivated by adjusting expectations if needed, breaking tasks down into smaller sub-tasks, and celebrating accomplishments.

- Learn about nutrition, exercise and health to create an effective plan for weight-loss success.

- Harness the power of positive reinforcement to stay on track with your resolutions.

Sincerely yours


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