Longer responses when you say “Please” and “Thank You” to AI?

Can our etiquette shape the way AI responds to us, and does it affect our behavior in return?

Jim the AI Whisperer


Many prompt engineers and AI users secretly confess to using “please” and “thank you” when interacting with AI models, sometimes accompanied by a little chuckle or a joke about placating our future robot overlords. But is there a basis in fact? Can our politeness and decorum guide AI output?

As AI assistants become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, it’s natural for us to wonder how our interactions with these sophisticated language models might be influenced by good manners. After all, words matter — and AI models, like GPT-4, function based on language patterns.

You instruct the AI how to behave toward you not just with your prompts, but through your word choices. When you use etiquette, you set the tone. Here’s why “please and thank you” might not just be so silly after all.

Image created by the author with Midjourney

Why “please” is still the magic word in prompt engineering

Incorporating polite language like “please,” can lead to more cooperative responses from AI models. They are designed to understand and respond to various linguistic cues, including politeness, and using…



Jim the AI Whisperer

🏆 7x Top Writer. AI Whisperer & Prompt Engineer. Writing about effective use of AI in copywriting, art, design, branding & games!