Don’t be Afraid to Take that First Step- Take Productive Action!

Reap the Harvest of your Dreams by following these 9 simple Steps!

Juby John
6 min readFeb 16, 2023


Take Action
(Photo by sebastian-arie-voortman on pexels)

Have you ever experienced a dream so vivid and realistic that you found yourself basking in the glory of its immense potential?

Dreams are like the vast fields of abundant corn. It’s as if you’re standing in that field, surrounded by limitless possibilities, and happily imagining what could be. Just as a farmer cultivates their crops with dedication and care, so you too must nurture your dreams with timely decisions, intentional action, and hard work.

You may have a million ideas, but without taking the necessary steps to turn them into reality, they remain just that — ideas!

Photo by Tim Douglas on Pexels

Now it’s entirely in your hands how early you would want to act on them to turn those dreams and goals into reality. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to take productive action and bring your ideas to life.

The journey of your dream into becoming a reality travels through the following processes. To start with, let us understand the first step.

It is rightly said that -A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.

It is important to remember that it is easy to become stuck in a state of planning and dreaming but to truly make progress, it is important to take the first step and start taking action towards your goals.

So, how do you get started?

Turning dreams into goals is the important first step that you normally tend to forget. It’s essential to turn your dreams into goals to ensure that you take the necessary steps to make them a reality.

Wondering…”How to do it?” So here it is -

Well, the first step is to make a plan. This might include setting specific goals, creating a timeline, and identifying any resources or support you’ll need. Having a plan in place will help you stay focused and motivated as you work towards your goals.

  1. Be specific: First, define your goal in specific terms.
    For example “I want to write a book.”
  2. Make it measurable: Set a specific target.
    For example “I want to write 1,000 words a day.”
  3. Create a timeline: Put a date and Set a deadline for your goal.
    For example “I want to finish writing my book in six months.”

Now, that you have reframed your dream and made it into a goal, you are fairly clear about what you want to achieve. To turn it into reality, follow these action-packed steps:

  1. Have a definite ‘Why?’

This is the reason that drives you to achieve your Goal. A strong ‘Why’ would drive away from all distractions and procrastination. The prime reason for taking the time to reflect on what matters most to you and what you truly want to accomplish can help you identify your dream. This is the foundation that your every action, has to align with! Always remind yourself of the reason behind your goal- ‘Your WHY’. This gives the boost and ignition to get you going strong.

2. Now Break it down:

Wait! Don’t get overwhelmed by the thought of tackling big goals all at once. That’s where the power of taking small steps comes in. Breaking down your goal into manageable, actionable steps can make the journey much more manageable and help you feel a sense of accomplishment along the way. This enables you to make steady progress towards your goal.

3.Take one small bite at a time- Small Steps help you cover those miles as you walk towards your destination:

One great example of taking small steps is starting a new project or venture on your own. It could be something as simple as starting a new hobby, taking a class to learn a new skill, or starting a side project. By taking small, achievable steps, you can build momentum and work your way towards your bigger goals.

4. Make a plan of action: Develop a plan of action to achieve your goal.
Such as “I will spend two hours every day writing and attending a writing course.”

Action time:

Do you just wanna enjoy your dreams or make them happen?

Taking action is a critical step in achieving your goals and making the most of new opportunities that come your way.
Take the process of taking action as a priority for all the goals you have. Often you get swayed away by various commitments and deliverables that come your way. Now is the time to take time to check out what is more important and urgent for you. Based on that, remember to prioritize your tasks!

Setting specific, measurable goals and developing a plan of action accordingly to achieve them, is crucial.

Do remember always that goals without action just remain where they originated from- they just remain dreams!

Boost your action-taking processes :

5. You should feel free and be committed to asking for help in case of any requirement.

(Photo by brett-jordan of pexels)

This can be done by reaching out to others. This could mean applying for a new job or program, seeking advice from a mentor, or connecting with someone who can provide you with the support and resources you need to achieve your goals.

Surrounding yourself with a supportive network can help you overcome challenges and achieve your goals more efficiently.

Some points to keep in mind as you take action:

6. Consistency and commitment are key :
Focus on taking intentional action every day to make progress towards your dream.

7. Embrace failure:
Failure is not a sign of defeat, but rather a learning opportunity that can help you adjust your approach and get closer to your dream.
Failure gives us the opportunity to bounce back, to learn from our mistakes, and helps us appreciate success.

8. Stay committed:
Setting deadlines, tracking your progress, and seeking feedback from others can all help you hold yourself accountable and stay motivated.

9. Monitor your progress:
Track your progress and adjust your approach as necessary to stay on track. Always be consistent in tracking your progress. This helps you maintain a steady momentum!

Don’t let the fear of failure hold you back, dare to take the first step and make your dreams a reality. With determination, persistence, and consistency, anything is possible.
Thus, taking action is a critical step in turning your goals into a reality.

So, take a deep breath, get organized, and start taking action today.

If you’re looking to make positive changes in your life and achieve your goals, I have created a free guide, which is available for download that can help. Simply click on the link below to access the guide.

The guide is easy to follow and packed with valuable information that will help you on your journey toward personal growth and achievement. So download your free guide today by just clicking on the link below!

Click here to access your Free Guide on 12 amazing techniques to re-adjust your focus and reach your goal

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Juby John

Management Professional | Writer-Personal Growth and Self Management | Get your Free Guide to Level Up Your Growth and Success: