Electric Planes and Boat might not be Far out in the Future as we Think🤔

Tesla just filed paperwork to make electric motors for airplanes, boats, and more

Edmund Chong


Photo by Nikola Ancevski on Unsplash

Looks like we are moving into the future faster than we can imagine. Remember how Tesla only created EVs? Well, it also just launched the first-ever full-electric Semi-truck and will be delivering the Cybertruck soon.

And now, the company is also looking to build electric motors for planes and boats. Looking at the timeline of how Tesla does its business, we may be able to see the product within the next 10 to 15 years.

Why the Growing Demand for Electric?

Price chart of different types of fuel compared to electric

It’s not that the world truly hates gasoline cars in any way. It’s just that over time, the prices of gasoline will become too expensive not to own an electric vehicle.

We are already starting to see a huge shift in demand for vehicles where automotive companies are losing demand by 8% while Tesla EVs are up 40% in 2022 alone.

But the BIG question still lies, why planes and rockets?

This is based on my speculation. I believe in order to transition the world into sustainable energy(Tesla Mission) and make humanity multi-planetary(SpaceX Mission), Elon Musk has to take engineering one step at a time in order to make the entire world a better place. And hopefully, we might even have an electric space rocket.🤩



Edmund Chong

Founder of HustleVentureSG; Finance Media Company | 0 to 1.5 million organic impression under 1 year | For Business inquiries at hustleventuresg@gmail.com