Eliminating Poverty on Medium

Writing is Life
3 min readNov 19, 2023
Pak-Afghan Border — Al Jazeera

A week has passed since I joined Medium. In the last week, I have read scores of articles on different genres. But one very common article that I found was about writers sharing their stories — why they joined the medium? So, today I will reveal the reasons and motivations behind joining Medium, while I share my story with you.

I belong to a small town situated at one of the world’s most dangerous borders, the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. The people in this part of the world have been living in war for more than four decades. Every day is a nightmare, warplanes throwing bombs, terrorists exploding themselves, people cutting throats, and men flogging women are considered part of daily routine. The four decades of war have made people bloodthirsty and snatched their humanity. But not all is lost as there is a light at the end of every tunnel.

Refugee Camp — BBC

This part of the world has been swept with poverty and inflation. The people do not have a roof over their heads, no food to eat, no school to learn, and no hospital to relieve their pain. The rich countries fighting for their interests do see the natural resources in the ground but they do not see the people living on the ground.

The war has snatched people’s dreams by destroying schools, hospitals, and everything that would have allowed them to learn and grow. Unfortunately, the unavailability of basic human necessities has limited people’s lives in finding two times meals for a day.

Girls School

However, resilience is something in abundance in this war wretched region. Even warplanes throwing bombs, terrorists exploding themselves, people cutting throats, and men flogging women have not stopped men and women from achieving their life goals. There are scores of stories of people breaking barriers and achieving wonders. Fortunately enough, I am one of those resilient, hard-working, and not-giving people.

The poverty, war, and sub-human conditions were not enough to stop me from becoming who I was destined for. Education became the tool for changing the course of my life. I made education a torch barrier in leading my path while I was walking in land mines. True enough, my torch barrier took me to places I had never dreamed of. Today, I hold university degrees from renowned universities in Europe and China.

Today, as I sit and think about what made me and so many others in my part of the world this much resilient? was it poverty? was it the basic instinct of survival? was it mere luck? Well, I am not sure. But I am very sure that poverty is a killer of dreams. It has killed the dreams of countless people not only in my hometown but all around the world.

I have joined Medium to utilize my skills in writing and to tell my stories to the world. Poverty is the killer of dreams, I will never allow poverty to kill my dreams anymore. I will use my skills in writing to eradicate poverty and convince others, especially in my hometown about the power of writing. My goal is to make earning opportunities for all without discrimination so that no child loses their dream to poverty.



Writing is Life

I have Doctorate degree in International Politics. I write on everything that amaze and inspire me.