Expand Your Learning Tools

Abdelrahman Elyamany
1 min readDec 11, 2023


If you’re comfortable learning from attending courses or events, learn from videos.

If you’re learning from video, try to learn from podcasts.

If you’re learning from podcasts, learn from reading.

If you’re learning with your native language, learn from another language.

Each one of these tools helps you maximize the knowledge you can gain.

Most people limit themselves by holding this belief: I just learn from X, and I don’t love learning from Y or Z.

They persuade themselves the path to gaining knowledge must be fun.

It’s not true.

Gaining real knowledge is a grueling act. That real knowledge that will help you achieve a certain level of success requires a huge effort from your side.

Taking notes, researching, experimenting, documenting, visualizing, interviewing other experts, dissecting others’ work, asking lots of questions…etc

You can learn from various types of resources.
This is what you need to believe in.

The only problem you’ll face when adopting this belief is you.
This endeavor must stem from you.



Abdelrahman Elyamany

Entrepreneurial-Minded Graphic Designer | Presentation & Branding | Design + Business + Reflections (Daily)