Facing Hard Times: This is for you

Be Hopeful
2 min readAug 9, 2023


We all experience phases when life takes a turn we never anticipated; situations become challenging

Photo by Zoe Holling on Unsplash

To find solutions for dealing with hard times wisely, we need to understand the root causes of these challenging situations. There is no doubt that life is sometimes genuinely tough, but often we make it harder through excessive expectations, comparing ourselves with others, emotional attachments, and overthinking.

Before we delve further, always remember that;

Hard times come to make you stronger .

Don’t Compare Yourself

What is our usual approach? We tend to make comparisons. We compare ourselves with our friends, our colleagues, and even people in our profession. Ultimately, we end up comparing ourselves with the entire universe, which can lead to feelings of depression.

Let’s grasp this with an example. I began freelancing in 2018, and many times I’ve found myself comparing my progress to those who started back in 2012. I started working on my self-development in 2016, yet I still compare myself to people who were self-aware even before that, when I wasn’t.

Today, we all need to understand and accept one fundamental thing: this is not a battle between “Me” versus the Whole Universe; it’s a battle between “Me” versus “Me.” The goal should be to become a better person than I was yesterday. It’s that simple.

If you are a better person than yesterday then pat yourself

It’s important to remember that each person’s journey is unique and that comparing yourself to others can often be counterproductive to your own progress and well-being

Emotional attachment

Emotions have a significant impact on our well-being and interactions with the world around us. They often hurt us due to the way we perceive and interpret events, situations, and the behavior of others.

It's a normal thing that When we experience strong emotions like love, trust, or hope, we open ourselves up to the possibility of hurt. If those emotions aren’t reciprocated often causes emotional pain.

Recognize that you can’t always control others, but you can control how much effort you invest in your relationships. By valuing your efforts, you can find satisfaction regardless of the outcome.

Hi, I am a Freelance Content Writer. I write SEO-optimised blogs since 2018. Let’s Connect on LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/in/marium-shafqat-299a11247) if you are looking for a content writer!

Thank You



Be Hopeful

I share stories related self-development, Travel, and Online earning