Facts or False: gender pay gap explained

Are women really paid less because they are women?

4 min readNov 17, 2023


Photo by geralt on Pixabay

With the growing move of feminists, a new phenomenon was brought the attention with the name “Gender pay gap”. Feminists claimed that women were paid less, even though they were working in the same position as some men.

Conservatist men denied this, saying that is not possible because if it was true, companies would hire only women so they would spend less on salary.

It is confusing, this whole thing. So I searched for clarity. In this article, I will clarify this phenomenon for you, so that after you read this, you will have a better understanding of what is going on.

Paygap between men and women in the USA

So before we dive into the whole ‘women get paid less than men’ thing, we first have to look at the median annual salary between men and women.

So the median annual salary for women in the second quarter of 2022 was $49,036, while the median salary for men was $59,488, which is more than 10.000 dollars annually, which would mean almost 1.000 dollars per month.

Graph created on Canva

So yes, there is a pay gap. Men get paid more on average. However, this is not a negative thing yet.

You see, men tend to have longer workweeks, while women tend to have shorter workweeks. Now this is not a generalization, I am sure that there are women who work a lot more and men who work a lot less.

But logic is that, if you work more, you make more.

Job difference

Because women are natural mothers, they tend to choose a job that has more to do with nurturing. These are jobs like being a teacher or being a physiotherapist. These jobs pay less, but not because it is women doing them.

Photo by JESHOOTS-com on Pixabay

Also, a fact that is worth mentioning, is that men are often a lot more confident, making them more qualified contestants for that promotion that your boss is handing out.

Remember, these are all biological facts, not some opinions I pull out of my sleeve.


There is also another crucial factor if we look at the pay gap: parenthood. Only women can get pregnant, which would mean they would need to take some months off to take care of the child in the womb.

Now this is funny: The older the women get, the more money they start to make. This is a funny connection because bosses also offer lower salaries to women, knowing they can get pregnant and might need to take off.

But for older women, they can offer higher salaries again, because they will not get any more children!

Photo by PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay

Also, when the baby is born, the mother usually takes care of them. This would mean they could only work part-time, which results in less earnings.

Discrimination is illegal

If women would get paid less than men, even though they are working in the same position, that would be discrimination. We all know that is illegal.

Yet no companies have been sued for discrimination against employees, so, there must not be any discrimination.

Photo by Succo on Pixabay

You see, I do not believe that companies like Microsoft, Tesla, or Amazon would risk the fact that they can be sued for discrimination, just to save extra money.

So if women are paid less because they are women, then the employers they work for are criminals. Not every manager of every company may be a criminal.


Yes, there is a gap. Yes, women get paid less than men on average. But no, this is most likely not because they are females.

You see, I did my research. I know what I am talking about. But I see people around me that only look at the surface. My mother. My aunties. My old teachers.

Maybe I am completely wrong. Maybe I am. But I have done research, and I have found straight facts about this phenomenon. I am not confused anymore, and I hope I have given you some clarity as well.

