Don’t be afraid of failure

Failure A Part of Success.

I have failed more than i have achieved.

Her Thoughts


Photo by Zohre Nemati on Unsplash

You should not be afraid of failure. It’s a part of your journey. Ups & downs are natural.

You can’t stop the downs & focus only on the ups.

It’s necessary to feel both.

But always remember neither of them defines you or your character.

You do that yourself.

If you believe that winners & failures are the traits that can be achieved once & for all, you are wrong.

It’s not achieved . It’s received. Received for the work you did.

I am not telling that you haven’t done anything right & that’s why you failed.


You have tried many times. You have put more efforts than others. You have done everything that you thought you could do.

But did you do what the success asked?

Here the deviation occurs. You might have the capability but if not guided on the path that leads to success, you are likely to fail.

Do what success asks you to do.

If you still fail, that’s what success wants you to feel. So that you could bounce back & achieve something even great.



Her Thoughts

I'm a small writer who is willing to put her thoughts in front of the world and learn new things every day. I like writing and when someone reads it.