Finding the Core of Happiness.

Dipalee Katre Rahangdale
2 min readJan 23, 2024
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To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to Happyness.

Finding happiness is a personal journey that begins with the understanding that your sense of contentment shouldn’t be at the mercy of external factors or the opinions of others. True happiness comes from within, anchored in a deep acceptance of who you are, irrespective of external judgments.

The Pitfalls of External Validation:

Granting others the power to dictate your happiness is a risky game. If you hinge your well-being on external validation or expect others to be the source of your joy, you set yourself up for disappointment. True happiness is self-sufficient and not contingent on the actions or opinions of others.

Inner Exploration:

To cultivate lasting happiness, focus on your inner self. You are the expert on your own feelings, desires, and aspirations. Take the time to understand yourself, your motivations, and what truly brings you joy. This self-awareness is foundational for building a resilient sense of happiness.

Tips for Lasting Happiness:

Tip 1:Learn Somthing New:

Challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone. Engage in activities or pursuits that you’ve never tried before. This could include setting fitness goals, experimenting with a new hairstyle, joining classes, making new friends, or exploring uncharted territories. Novel experiences often bring a sense of accomplishment and joy.


Think about signing up for a marathon — it’s not about racing against others to be first or last. The real win is in finishing your own race, hitting your personal goals, and crossing that finish line. It’s all about your journey, not about who comes in first place.

Tip 2: Cherish “Me Time”:

Allocate moments in your day for personal enjoyment. Whether it’s sipping on a cup of coffee, reading a book, listening to music, or engaging in activities that bring you happiness, these moments of self-indulgence contribute significantly to your overall well-being.

Tip 3: Design Your Ideal Life:

Use solitary moments to envision and design the life you aspire to live. Reflect on the kind of life that would bring you fulfillment. Ask yourself pertinent questions like, “What steps can I take to live my dream life?” Then, formulate a plan and take actionable steps toward realizing those dreams.

Pro Tip: Cultivate Your Own Happiness:

Recognize that your happiness is a personal responsibility. Instead of relying on external sources for validation, focus on self-improvement, personal growth, and pursuing activities that genuinely make you happy. As you cultivate your own happiness, you’ll naturally radiate positivity, influencing those around you in a positive way.

In essence, the journey to lasting happiness involves self-discovery, embracing new experiences, and building a resilient sense of joy that is independent of external circumstances.

I hope this article adds value to your life…

see you soon



Dipalee Katre Rahangdale

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