Photo by Logan Easterling on Unsplash

How to Face Your Problems Fearlessly

4 min readNov 5, 2023


Everyone faces problems every day.

We all have our difficulties that we’re called to face throughout life.

Some challenges come across as fearful. This feeling of fear can make anybody impotent.

It’s powerful, as it prevents us from doing the things that grant us growth and goal progression.

We easily fall into the rabbit hole of conjuring up our energy and imagining absurd circumstances that further make us afraid.

Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Instead of putting energy into facing our problems, we spend it on thinking of ways our situation could get worse.

Situations such as:

  • Fearing that you’ll false start the race
  • Being nervous that you’ll stutter when giving the presentation
  • Having the big exam today and worrying that you’ll get a bad score

People should not doubt their efforts, whatever the case may be.

How do you do this?
Well, you need to focus on what’s in front of you.
Clarify what it is, and the sooner you face it, the better.

With all that said, today I want to share my personal experience with one of my problems. I’d also like to show you how to make whatever you’re dealing with something that you’re willing to face head-on.

Let’s go.

One of my Recent Dilemmas

Let me tell you a story.

At a track meet back in May, I was about to compete in an 800-meter race at a meet.

The thing is, I knew for a fact that I was bound to be last, as the competition at this meet was out of my league.

I was aware that I was thrown into this race, only because the other guys we had were already in events.

Of course, I had the option to scratch (drop out) the race, but before I did that, I observed what was in front of me.

Photo by Tirza van Dijk on Unsplash

I could run this race and get experience, as well as a free point for our team overall.

The only thing holding me back was my perception of what people would think of me.

This made me realize how we often deter ourselves from going outside of our comfort zones, all because we fear being judged, misinterpreted, or shamed.

Even though I did indeed come in last in that race (by a significant margin), it was one of the first decisions I took to become more courageous and care less about what others think of me.

An actionable step for you is to do something that calls for courage.

Perhaps it will draw the attention of others.

Whether you think you’ll be praised or made fun of for your actions, get it done.

Get Into Habit

Every time you come face to face with a situation that puts you under pressure, take a moment to gander at what’s being dealt with.

Observe what you have to lose, and what there is to win.

For me, I had a free opportunity for racing experience and a point for our team. What was to lose?

Ego points? Really? From people I would likely never see again?

Photo by Sean Benesh on Unsplash

This is how dreams are shut down. Obsessing over ego and what people think.

I know this is mentioned all the time, but it’s true.

Nothing influences decisions more than the fear of people’s perception of you.

If you’re someone who falls victim to this (I occasionally do), then something that helps me is remembering that everyone will forget about the situation in no more than 2 days.

Anyway, be sure to focus on what’s in front of you — nothing else, from here on out.


Being present and focusing only on what’s in front of you is a must if you’re someone who wants to accomplish great things in life.

When you strive for these great things, you’re bound to come face-to-face with situations that require you to ignore your ego, and what others think of you.

In caring what others think, you’re psychologically preventing yourself from new opportunities.

With that said, the next time you find your thoughts drifting away from what your situation is, snap yourself out of it.

Thanks for reading.

I’ll see you in the next article.

