From Bed to Better: Changing My Habit

Uncovering the hidden power of bed making for positivity and purpose

Niharika Kaur Kakar
4 min readSep 27, 2023


Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

I never really paid attention to making my bed. It was an occasional thing for me, never a priority. While growing up, I was told to do it every day, but I used to skim that idea as if I hadn’t heard anything. Later, I would often ponder what difference it could possibly make. After all, I had to sleep and undo everything, so it would look the same every night and every morning.

My perspective shifted when I found myself in the uncomfortable and unfamiliar surroundings of a hostel, far from the comfort of my own home. Amidst the dormitory’s surroundings, there was one girl named Shuchi who stood out. She meticulously crafted her bed, every fold and corner devoid of even the finest crease. Although that inspired me, I suppose it was a short-lived inspiration.

As life continued, one more incident hit me, leaving me in distress. Upon returning home after a hectic day at work, I reached home and saw my bed fully messed up, and trust me, I felt like walking out of the house. Despite my frustration, nothing changed, and I remained upset. Surprisingly, the state of the room made my mood even worse. Little did I know that making the bed could be a simple solution.

This small transformation in my perspective became a permanent habit when my close friend Sutapa came to visit. During her stay, one thing she did consistently was make the bed right after waking up. I couldn’t help but notice how appealing it made the room look and feel, in contrast to my previous messy one. As she left after her sweet visit, something inside me clicked, and I began to maintain the room just as she had left it. Gradually, it turned into a habit, and I discovered the following benefits:

A Positive Vibe:

The simple act of making the bed can set the stage for a day filled with positivity. As I arrange the sheets and fluff the pillows, it creates an atmosphere of order and harmony. This positive energy influences my mood, making me feel more in control and ready to face whatever challenges the day may bring.

Stress Reduction:

After a long, hectic day, coming home to a tidy, organized space can be a soothing balm for the nerves. A well-made bed invites me to relax and unwind, providing a peaceful retreat in the midst of life’s chaos. This transition from chaos to calm can be an effective stress-reduction technique, helping me to release the tension of the day.

Home Calling:

My bedroom, to me, is like a cozy hideaway where I find comfort and peace. Making the bed every day turns the room into a warm and inviting spot. This makes the room feel more friendly, making me appreciate the time I spend there. It becomes a real safe haven, a place I can’t wait to come back to, rather than running away from the house.

The Butterfly Effect of Neatness:

The practice of making my bed often extends its influence beyond the boundaries of the mattress. This one habit naturally inclined me to organize the rest of the room and house. This domino effect of orderliness spreads to other areas of life, encouraging me to declutter, simplify, and increase efficiency.

Daily Achievement:

Making the bed every morning, a small task might seem insignificant, but it’s like a tiny version of bigger achievements. It reminds me that I can regularly accomplish small goals, which build my discipline and determination. Moreover, even if my day went badly and I did nothing significant, seeing my room helps me feel like at least I did something today.

My journey from not making my bed to regularly making it is nothing short of transformational. This simple habit, influenced by a friend, has become an integral part of my life. I’ve experienced improved productivity, reduced stress, and a profound sense of well-being, all thanks to this small yet meaningful change.

So, if you’re like the old me, questioning the significance of making your bed, I encourage you to take that leap of faith. Embrace the magic of this seemingly easy task, and you may discover, as I did, that it has the power to infuse your life with positivity and purpose — one beautifully made bed at a time.

Cherishing Friendship: An Image by the Author

