Malcolm X’s Story from “By Any Means Necessary” to El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz

Abraham Bamidele ( Editor )
4 min readJul 30, 2024


I question if He is the Most Fearless Man seen.


In societies with change-makers, there are those who seek for equality and equity by “any means necessary.”

Sometimes, one mighty, purpose-driven voice may be enough. Until recently, I didn’t know about the “Nation of Islam,” “Elijah Mohammed,” or a place in New Jersey called “Newark.”

A Netflix documentary series, “Who Killed Malcolm X,” changed that.

I’ve watched many docuseries about distinct personalities, but Malcolm’s trajectory differed significantly. He was arguably the world’s most influential Black man during his time.

Malcolm X was a prominent nationalist in the United States who championed the notion that Black people should be treated as humans. He believed that everyone’s background and story should be held in high esteem. In this vein, Black people should live purposefully from their identity and entity.

Malcolm X, to me, was a good cause. But in the phase of harsh realities. His principles stood for truth. Despite the passing years since the 60s, decades, and epochs, his dreams did not fully materialize.

The 60s came with Imperialist moves such as white names given to black people, and black people being against opportunities in the social structures, took centre stage. Which did not sit right with Malcolm. This structure in the society.

Malcom, a personality that the polity was scared of. He stood for what he stood for, well.

The NATION OF Islam “Factor”

Malcom’s early life was not special. Being Black did not help the story also, serving jail terms, gang issues, until he found purpose. The documentary creates a well written script, meetings with Prophet Elijah Mohammed who played the most influential role leading to the change of His life.

During the early phase of his relationship with Elijah Mohammed, no one could predict the change the American world was about to witness.

Malcolm X encouraged Black Americans to defend themselves against white aggression “by any means necessary,” which led to varied perceptions of him across the country. Malcolm found a voice, purpose, God, strength, and the ability to influence a large number of people at the same time.

Malcolm X encouraged Black Americans to defend themselves against white aggression “by any means necessary,” which led to varied perceptions of him across the country.

His presentation skills, eloquence, and relevance of being fearless always stood different in everything encounter he had with the Nation Of Islam.

Jail terms, traumatic experiences about the street brought different notions about life to X. He had an internal push and annoyance about black’s stance in the White.

World view stances and directional distortions of thoughts between and Elijah Muhammed led to the uttermost flaw of their influential relationships.

The death of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, altered his affiliation with the Nation of Islam. Reason being that X was unapologetic about his comment as he sees Kennedy’s death as “chickens coming home to roost”. This led to uproar in the Nation Of Islam, And the American society at large. Silencing Malcolm for 90 Days.

This occurrence led to Malcolm’s receiving multiple threat of life and He embarked on a journey towards gaining more spiritual understanding. His visit to Hajj caused a change to His name- El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. The story of Malcolm X was gradually coming to closure with these apparent changes to his life.

“In any city, wherever I go, making speeches, holding meetings of my organization or attending to business, black men are watching every move I make, awaiting their chance to kill me”

Here Malcolm made several predictions and scenarios upon his death on February 21, 1965. He was assassinated while giving the opening greetings before his speech was to commence before a large crowd at the Audubon Ballroom in New York City.

His death explained that forging change may take more than necessary. While creating a change results in expensive experiences.

Malcolm X’s legacy and voice of fearlessness continue to touch many even in death. His unwavering stance on equality proper administration of a society emanated from his Passion and Purpose. Though his life was cut short, his impact on the fight for civil rights underscores the enduring relevance of Malcolm X’s message found profound today.



Abraham Bamidele ( Editor )

Editor for Illumination Medium. Penultimate Media Student. Write Opinions, Life, Sports, Technology, Politics, and Humanitarian Occurrences.