Glimpse Of Tomorrow


In the hush of twilight’s embrace,
Where shadows dance and dreams find space,
A fleeting glimpse of tomorrow’s light,
Bathes the world in whispers bright.

Through veils of uncertainty, we peer,
Seeking echoes of what will appear,
In the gentle curve of the dawn’s first sigh,
A promise blooms beneath the sky.

Each heartbeat hums a future’s song,
In the tapestry where time belongs,
A canvas painted with hopes untold,
Where destinies weave and dreams unfold.

O fleeting glimpse, like a shooting star,
Across the heavens, you journey far,
Yet in your trail, a spark remains,
Guiding us through life’s complex domains.

Embrace the dawn, with open eyes,
For in each moment, a new sunrise,
A glimpse of tomorrow, pure and clear,
A journey waiting, without fear.

