Growing Together on Medium

Building True Connections Beyond Follow-for-Follow — A Strategy for Mutual Success

Iftekar Shoeb
9 min readFeb 15, 2024


Photo by Gil Ribeiro on Unsplash

A Fresh Start with Friendly Faces

Imagine stepping into a room full of friendly faces, all eager to share and learn together. That’s Medium for me — a place where I’ve quickly found 25 new friends in just two days! It’s like walking into a cozy coffee shop where every chat could turn into a meaningful conversation.

Medium isn’t just another social network. It’s a special spot where people come together, not just to chat, but to share real stories and learn from each other.

Here, every follow feels like a promise — a promise to share, to teach, and to grow together.

From day one, I saw that Medium is all about give and take. People followed me because they hoped to find something valuable in my words.

This made me think hard about how to keep that promise, sharing stories that matter, not just to me, but to us all. This isn’t about quick wins or making fast money. I’m here for the stories, for the connections.

I noticed something cool in my first days here. The people who followed me were often the same ones whose stories I’d enjoyed.

When I took the time to read their work and leave a thoughtful comment, they’d do the same for me. It’s like waving at someone and getting a warm smile in return.

Photo by Adam Jang on Unsplash

Now, three days in, I’m amazed to see 25 friends following my journey. This jump in numbers got me thinking.

What brought us together?

Was it my four stories?


But I believe it’s the friendships we’re starting to build, one story at a time.

So, what’s next?

Do I focus on just adding more friends?

Or do I dive deeper, strengthening these new connections?

After pondering this, I’ve decided: quality over quantity. It’s about making real friends who care about what we have to say, who share their thoughts, and who help each other grow.

To make this happen, I’ve got a simple plan for the next week. It’s about reading more, sharing thoughtful comments, and listening to what my new friends have to say. And I hope they’ll join me in this little experiment.

Together, we can turn this into a place where every story counts, and where every comment brings us closer.

So, here’s to our journey together on Medium. Let’s make it a place where every voice matters, where every story brings us a little closer. Here’s to growing together, one story at a time.

Building Bridges Through Words

Diving into this new adventure, I’ve set myself a goal: to not just grow my list of followers but to deepen the connections I have with them. Think of it like nurturing a garden.

Each follower is like a seed, and with the right care and attention, our connections can blossom into something beautiful and lasting.

I’ve decided to start simple. Each day, I’ll pick three stories from each of my 25 followers and dive into their worlds. I’ll leave comments, highlight their best lines, and engage with their thoughts.

It’s not just about leaving a mark; it’s about starting a conversation and sharing a moment of connection.

This isn’t a one-way street, though. I’m hoping that as I take the time to truly engage with their stories, they’ll feel inspired to peek into mine. To read, to reflect, and to share their thoughts. It’s like passing notes in class, each one a little bridge between worlds.

What I’m looking forward to is seeing how this changes the way we interact.

Will we start looking out for each other’s stories?

Will a comment from a familiar face brighten my day and theirs?

This experiment isn’t just about numbers; it’s about building a community where we all feel heard and valued.

But what’s in it for you, you might wonder.

Why join me in this little experiment of engagement and connection?

Well, here’s the thing: Medium is a vast ocean of thoughts and stories. By supporting each other, we’re not just building friendships; we’re helping each other’s voices be heard in the crowd.

And there’s a bonus: as we engage with each other’s work, we learn, we grow, and we get inspired to write even better stories.

Imagine a Medium where every follow means a new friend, a new reader who truly cares about your words. That’s the Medium I dream of. And with this simple plan, I believe we can start turning that dream into reality.

So, here’s my invitation to you: join me in this journey of connection and growth. Let’s read more, share more, and support each other’s creativity.

Together, we can make Medium not just a platform for sharing stories, but a community where every story, every comment, brings us closer.

As we wrap up this week of exploration and connection, I’m filled with hope. Hope for the stories we’ll share, the friendships we’ll forge, and the community we’ll build.

Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash

Here’s to our shared journey on Medium, to the stories yet to be told, and to the connections that await. Let’s make it a journey of growth, together, one word at a time.

Fostering a Culture of Collaboration

As we venture deeper into this journey of mutual support and growth, I find myself reflecting on the transformative power of genuine connection.

It’s not just about the numbers — it’s about the people behind them, the stories they share, and the bonds we form along the way.

In a world where algorithms often dictate our interactions, Medium offers a refreshing departure — a space where genuine engagement and meaningful dialogue reign supreme.

Here, every comment, every like, is more than just a statistic; it’s a gesture of support, a nod of appreciation, and a reminder that we’re all in this together.

With each story read and every comment shared, I’m reminded of the immense potential we hold as a community — to uplift, to inspire, and to amplify each other’s voices.

It’s a symbiotic relationship, where every act of support ripples outwards, creating a wave of positivity and encouragement that reverberates throughout the platform.

But our journey doesn’t end here. As we continue to nurture these connections and cultivate a culture of collaboration, I’m filled with excitement for the possibilities that lie ahead.

Together, we can create a Medium where every writer feels valued, every story finds its audience, and every voice is heard.

So, as we embark on the next leg of our journey, let’s keep the spirit of camaraderie alive.

Let’s read, let’s engage, and let’s celebrate each other’s successes.

Together, we can make Medium not just a platform, but a home — a place where writers come together to learn, to grow, and to thrive.

Here’s to our shared journey, to the friendships yet to be formed, and to the stories waiting to be told. Let’s continue to build, to connect, and to inspire. After all, the greatest stories are the ones we write together.

Cultivating Connections, Celebrating Growth

Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

As we weave through this narrative of mutual growth and shared experiences, it’s evident that our collective journey on Medium is more than just an exchange of stories.

It’s about building a vibrant tapestry of connections, insights, and mutual encouragement — a testament to the strength of community over the solitary pursuit of success.

In this digital age, where screens often divide us, Medium has emerged as a beacon of genuine interaction. Each story we share, each response we craft, serves as a bridge, drawing us closer in a world that feels increasingly vast.

It’s in these moments of connection that we find our strength, a reminder that behind every article, and every comment, a person is reaching out, seeking to understand and to be understood.

Photo by "My Life Through A Lens" on Unsplash

As we continue to foster this culture of collaboration, we’re not just enhancing our individual experiences on Medium; we’re laying the foundation for a community that thrives on empathy, respect, and shared learning.

This commitment to engaging with each other’s work, to lifting each other up, underscores the very essence of what it means to be part of this platform.

In the spirit of transparency and to further illuminate the impact of our collective efforts, I’m excited to share a glimpse into the tangible results of our engagement.

At the end of February, I will reveal the revenue I’ve generated on this platform for the first 15 days of implementing our shared strategy of reading, commenting, and engaging with each other’s content.

Photo by Emiliana Hall on Unsplash

This isn’t just about numbers or earnings; it’s a testament to the power of community engagement and the tangible benefits of supporting one another.

By sharing my revenue insights, I hope to provide a clear picture of how our interactions contribute to not just our personal growth, but also to our financial success on Medium.

Let this serve as motivation for all of us to continue on this path of mutual support.

It’s a reminder that our collective efforts not only enrich our Medium journey but also pave the way for a more connected, more vibrant community.

So, as we move forward, let’s keep this cycle of support and growth going. Let’s continue to read, engage, and uplift each other, knowing that with every story shared and every comment made, we’re not just writing articles; we’re weaving a community fabric that’s rich with knowledge, empathy, and collective success.

Here’s to our continued journey together on Medium, to the stories we’ll share, the connections we’ll make, and the successes we’ll celebrate.

And remember, at the end of February, I’ll share the results of our engagement efforts — proof that when we come together, we can achieve incredible things.

Before I conclude, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my followers:

Brenda Grate Blue Line Security Group ✅ Doc Samurai Sam 🍿 Textero AI Writing Tool Saeed Sobhani Mallick Speaks DeryaSefer Marta Henriques E. Clark Armstrong Alexander Lopez John Everhart Pyrros Mathios Ferhat Ünlükal Shaun Melady Chiyo Nakamoto tugssanaa Sebastian Goldsmith Angelo Corbelli Saeed Sobhani two 🔮Ellise Ariel Cass Ashllyn T. Ally Evergreen Ilinka Anderson Syed Iftekhar-Ur-Rahman S Riaz David Alto Danny Williams Coim Cruz Deal

Your support and engagement mean the world to me, and I want to thank you in advance for your continued contribution to our shared journey on Medium.

Together, let’s write the next chapter of our story — one filled with growth, connection, and boundless possibilities.

Before we conclude, I have one more exciting update to share with you all. On the third day of my first publishing on Medium, I earned $1 from just one view!

Screenshot from the Author’s Desktop

What’s even more amazing is that my previous article, “Unveiling Medium: Your Ultimate Guide to Writing, Earnings, and Growing on the Platform,” achieved a 100% read ratio.

Isn’t that incredible?

Screenshot of the report on Read Ratio and Engagement: Author’s Desktop

It shows that our efforts are already making an impact. I’m sharing this to inspire you all to keep writing, keep engaging, and keep growing. Together, we can achieve great things on Medium!

Here’s the link to the article

Join me on my writing journey!

🌄 Here’s how you can be part of the adventure:

📚 Follow me on Medium → SAAN TRADING INC. 🥰
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Together, let’s explore the beauty of storytelling in the heart of the mountains!



Iftekar Shoeb

Iftekar M Shoeb, Owner of SAAN TRADING INC. Houston, Texas, USA.