Hammer That Nail!

Beat Procrastination and Make Your Day More Productive!

Divyanshu Lakwad
7 min readJan 4, 2024


Photo by Mauro Gigliotti on Unsplash

Since the winters are here, it has become much more difficult to stay focused on the work. The blanket and the bed seem to be the only two best things in the whole day. All the things and the work you may need to do get postponed. However, this is what shouldn’t done. Stopping procrastination is the only thing that will help you stay as productive as you were during the summer.

Here, I’m back with another helpful tool for you guys! Let’s unroll the ways through which you can beat procrastination and hit all the targets right on the point!

Define Your Purpose

Have you ever felt lost in your tasks? It’s time to change that. Defining your purpose means clarifying why each task matters. When you write down the ‘why,’ the noise of distractions fades away; it’s like turning on a mental GPS — a guide for every action. Knowing your purpose sharpens your focus, ensuring each effort aligns with a goal. Think of it as a map of your mind, eliminating confusion and bringing a sense of direction. So, grab a pen, jot down your purpose, and experience the clarity that turns aimless work into purposeful progress.

Plan Everyday

Planning every day is like crafting a roadmap for your day, a personalized guide to navigate the twists and turns. This intentional creation doesn’t happen accidentally; you shape it to match your unique needs and goals. Picture it as a flexible framework that organizes your time effectively. Break your day into blocks, allocate focused work periods, and schedule breaks. Discover your peak productivity hours and assign demanding tasks to these periods.

Before going to sleep, plan the three most important tasks that you need to do the next day. Write down all the tasks and how much time you’ll spare for them. Give yourself time for other work that you need to do. Planning with some extra time will make it more practical for you to achieve the goals. No matter what happens, try to stick to the plan you’ve created. Accomplishing tasks becomes a source of accomplishment, propelling you forward. Think of it as your daily playbook for success.

Learn To Say NO

Say a big NO to all the things between you and your goals. Often, various distractions and requests come our way, tempting us to deviate from our path. Saying no is about being negative; it’s about safeguarding your time and energy for what truly matters. Consider it a protective shield around your ambitions. Every small effort adds up, and even a few minutes invested in yourself can significantly impact.

Embrace the power of NO, prioritize your goals, and let it be a step towards achieving the bigger picture you have in mind.

The 80:20 Rule

The 80:20 Rule is also called Pareto’s Principle. It’s a simple yet powerful tool to optimize productivity and achieve more with less. This principle suggests that, in many situations, roughly 80% of outcomes result from 20% of efforts. Analyse all the things you do throughout the day and try to figure out what were the things that made the most impact. Identifying these impactful tasks allows you to focus you efforts where they matter most. You’ll soon realise that it is only 20% of your work that brings you 80% of the results.

Surprised, right? Now think about what’ll happen if you give more than 20% of your efforts and the percentage of results you’ll harvest!

Think Long-Term

Don’t plan for short-term goals. Thinking long-term is about setting your gaze beyond immediate goals.
Short-term goals are like checkpoints leading to a grand destination. Enjoy each milestone, but don’t linger; see them as steps towards a greater purpose. The short-term goals also need to be enjoyed, but one should not settle and get satisfied with them. Always remember, Rome was not built in one day.

It will take time for good things to happen. Plan big and achieve big!

Planned Neglect

Planned neglect is a strategic way to tackle distractions by procrastinating them wisely. Use procrastination in your favour. Procrastinate all the things that disturb and distract you. Ask yourself whether it is important to do this task now or whether it is urgent to do this task. Is it important to pick up this call?

By categorizing tasks based on importance and necessity, you can delay non-urgent activities without compromising productivity. It’s not consciously choosing when to address certain things, ensuring that your focus aligns with your priorities. In essence, it’s a thoughtful approach to using procrastination as a tool, helping you maintain control over your time and attention.

Procrastinate all the things which are not urgent and necessary.

Prioritizing Tasks

Prioritizing tasks is your secret weapon for a focused and efficient day. It’s like having a roadmap that guides you through the clutter. Prioritizing tasks will help you stay focused and prevent any sort of confusion regarding what needs to be done throughout the day. There’s no time you can waste as of now, and therefore, you need to utilise time as much as possible. Sparing 15 minutes for planning the day will save you more than an hour that you may waste thinking about what you should do.

This simple act prevents confusion and ensures you’re investing your time where it matters most. Imagine having a clear path, knowing exactly where to step next. It’s not about being rigid; it’s about adapting to life’s twists while staying on course. Prioritize and watch your productivity soar.

One Step at a Time

The biggest reason to procrastinate is that we see all the things we need to do as a huge mountain in front of us. Rather than seeing the entire mountain, we must focus on the step right in front of us. It is just the first step that matters. You just have to take one step after the other and focus on the one step that you are taking.

One step after the other, one step after the other, and boom! The view is beautiful and worth the time and effort!

The truth is that every mountain is conquered step by step. By concentrating on the immediate action, you eliminate the paralysis that comes with seeing the entire journey. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember that progress isn’t made in leads but in purposeful, steady steps. Master this, and you’ll find even the tallest mountains are climbed one step at a time.

Pressurize Yourself

Pressurizing yourself may sound counterintuitive, but a healthy dose of pressure can be a catalyst for action. It’s about creating a sense of urgency and responsibility. Set deadlines and expectations, pushing yourself just enough to stay motivated and focused. The idea is not to overwhelm but to harness a level of pressure that propels you into action. It’s akin to a gentle nudge that reminds you of the importance of your goals and helps you avoid unnecessary delays. The key is finding that sweet spot where pressure acts as a driving force rather than a stressor, promoting productivity and achievement.

Measure Your Progress

We are not so happy in getting something as much as we are happy with the realization of the sense that we are moving towards achieving it. It’s not just about achieving something; it’s about realizing you’re moving forward. The sense of progress motivates you. Whenever you feel low or bored with the work you are doing and cannot climb further, look back at the progress you have made till now and, at what altitude you have come, and the hurdles you’ve conquered. This reflection not only boosts your morale but also fuels your determination to keep climbing. It’s not just about the destination; it’s about acknowledging every step you’ve taken and finding renewed energy to conquer the path ahead.

At last, I would like to add that nothing will work on its own until you make an effort. It is you who needs to act to make all the things happen, and it is therefore very important for you to take responsibility for all the stimuli in your life.

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Thank you for sparing time to read my article. I hope I have provided you with enough value that is worth your time. Make sure to leave your views in the comments and follow if you like the content!



Divyanshu Lakwad

A law student turned writer, working on himself to improve everyday. I mostly write on self-growth, since I love to share everything that I learn.