Have You Ever Been Cussed Out by an Angry Squirrel?

Nature is weird

Marcus Musick


Photo by Asif Ali on Unsplash

Okay, first off I’ll admit that I don’t speak squirrel, but if I had a squirrel translator, I know there would be quite a few beeps.

If you have no idea what the hell you are reading, let me back things up and provide some context.

One day, I was walking around in my yard, and I heard the loudest barking/hissing and whatever other sounds a pissed-off squirrel would make. I looked up into the tree, and I made eye contact with the little angry creature.

My cat was also nearby, and apparently, squirrels and cats don’t get along very well. Anyway, I walked away while minding my own business, but the little stalker jumped from limb to limb to further harass me.

The squirrel also kept shaking its tail back and forth to try to intimidate me with his one-pound body of fur and claws. I didn’t even notice he had a nut in his hands the entire time.

Can you guess what happened?

The little SOB threw his nut and nearly hit me on top of the head!

Luckily, he missed, and I didn’t have to worry about suffering a concussion.

Moral of the story? Never trust a squirrel.

Steve the Squirrel

24 stories

