Healing Breathing Exercises

Pretty Lady
3 min readApr 18, 2024
Photo by madison lavern on Unsplash

This series of 7 breathing exercises is integral to an ancient meditation practice called "divine healing meditation." They should be performed as an opening to meditation when they fulfill several roles, including stretching, expanding lungs, connecting (integrating) the two hemispheres of the brain (creative right hemisphere with rational left hemisphere), and creating a magnetic dome to protect the aura.

Such practice was hidden and practiced only by spiritual masters from the East. In this new Era, a time in which all occult sciences are available to everyone, this divine work of breathing and bodily harmonization has also been released.

Let’s practice!

. It is recommended always to practice them in the morning outdoors or facing an open window. Try to be in a silent and calm environment.

Wear light and loose clothing, bare feet, legs open hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, hips engaged, spine erect, arms naturally loose at the sides of the body. Face and shoulders relaxed, jaws loose. In short, a comfortable and relaxed posture.

Your eyes can be closed or contemplative, but do not be distracted by the external environment.

Each exercise must be repeated three times, calmly and attentively.

The idea is to practice this meditation in the morning and for at least 30 days in a row. Leaving the house with your brain circuits turned on and your aura protected is wise and healthy. After 30 days, the person should have created a more automatic energy defense mechanism. Otherwise, keep practicing, at least when traveling in heavier or unhealthy environments.

Exercise 1: repeat three times in a row.

Inhale: clasp your hands together to close the circuits. Raise your hands over your head (keep close to your head). Always try to separate your hands, as if testing the sealing strength of this circuit, but do not release them.

Exhale: lower your arms, keeping your hands clasped.

Exercise 2: repeat three times in a row.

Inhale: palms up, fingertips touching. Start from your hips and raise your hands above your head.

Exhale: separate, stretching your arms. Lower sideways with palms down.

Exercise 3: repeat three times in a row.

Inhale: raise your arms laterally as if tracing a circle around your head. When you reach the top, keep your hands together in prayer above your head.

Exhale: pressing palms together, lower and hold in front of the heart.

Exercise 4: repeat three times in a row.

Inhale: palms up. Lift them together from hips to shoulder height. Separate your hands sideways, stretching as if you were pushing walls apart, representing the limit of the space your aura occupies.

Exhale: Relax your hands and arms and lower them sideways.

Exercise 5: repeat three times in a row.

Inhale: right palm up pointing to the sky, left palm down pointing to the earth. Stretch your arms as if trying to "separate heaven from earth."

Exhale: reverse position of the arms.

Exercise 6: repeat three times in a row.

Inhale: arms relaxed at the sides of the body.

Exhale: left arm lowered, right arm raised—the same applause. Twist your torso until you can see the opposite heel. Repeat reversing the arms and direction of rotation.

Exercise 7: repeat three times in a row.

Inhale: knees slightly bent. Palms together upwards, raise your hips, and open your arms at the top of your head, tilting your spine slightly backward (opening your heart).

Exhale: Lower and relax your arms and shoulders.

Good practice!



Pretty Lady

A love and psychology expert. I love writing, it makes me happy.