Profitable Content Traffic Tips

Here’s How to Create a Traffic Explosion

and then a steady flow of traffic with your articles

Jeff the Content Profit Coach
3 min readNov 9, 2021


Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

Q: Hi Jeff, a quick question about articles, content, and traffic. I notice that when I write new articles I get a rush of traffic to my site and then it goes right back to not too much traffic until I write new articles. I’m trying to get more traffic on a consistent basis through articles instead of paying for traffic.

A: This is a really good question. One reason I like your question so much is it gives me yet another excuse to say:

The greater your article volume, the greater all your other numbers will be.

The greater your article volume, the greater all your other numbers will be.

And these greater numbers include the traffic generated from your articles. You will get both a traffic explosion and then a steady flow of traffic.

First a traffic explosion

You will get a burst of traffic from new articles. It just makes sense, doesn’t it? Each new article is brand new content available for your readers. And once you have created a following with your articles you will have readers eager and waiting to read…



Jeff the Content Profit Coach

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