How do you take control of the 4 wheels of life? (I)

Dr. Apurv Khandelwal
4 min readNov 11, 2023

Wheel 1 — Personal life

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As I wrote in my article “Why I believe read books is the worst advice ever," just reading self-help books is not enough. You need to understand and apply it in your life to see any results.

I am trying to share my learnings from the book “Life’s Amazing Secrets” by Gaur Gopal Das, which provides practical approaches so that one can easily drive the vehicle called life by balancing the four wheels of life :

  1. Personal Life
  2. Relationships
  3. Work Life
  4. Social Contribution

I hope this will help you just like it helped me.


Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

“We must find positivity in the bleakest situations and live by the principle of gratitude.

We learned about gratitude and humility—that so many people had a hand in our success, from the teachers who inspired us to the janitors who kept our school clean . . . and we were taught to value everyone’s contribution and treat everyone with respect. — Michelle Obama.

I feel the power of gratitude almost daily because of my profession. I am mainly on the receiving side of it by my patients. But I always try to be grateful to everyone who played a part in me being where I am today. It includes my parents and my friends, and I try to make sure that they know how much I appreciate them.

You should start your process of expressing gratitude towards people by:

  1. Recognize the people whom you appreciate and value
  2. Remember everything that they did for you. Their sacrifices, support, help, love, everything.
  3. Reciprocate. Be there for them like they were for you. Applaud them. Be their cheerleader. Support them in whichever way you can. You might not be in a position to do that for everyone. So, let them know how much you value them.

Lesson #2 — WHY WORRY?

I instantly fell in love with this simple yet efficient approach to any problem you encounter.

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Well, this is my best effort at writing, being a doctor. I hope you can read it.

Just try to put every problem you come across through this framework. However, it will not solve your problem. That’s your job. But it will help to reduce all the useless worry that eats up your valuable time, which you can utilize actually to solve the problem.


Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

We are not human beings having spiritual experiences; we are spiritual beings having human experiences. — Gaur Gopal Das

I believe in God. I think of him as some higher power, which we can’t seem to comprehend. So, I practice my spirituality by chanting mantras whenever I can and believing that he is there to show me the right path.

For those of you who believe in god, I strongly suggest you devote some time, not necessarily daily, to the service of god. It will help you calm down. It will help you to have a moment of peace amidst this chaos that we call life and even help you to organize it.

For those who don’t believe in god, I would advise you to pick some form of practice that might include meditation serving the less fortunate. Just try to have some moments in which you are not worried about anything related to your physical existence.

I hope you try to understand and apply these in your own life.

It’s going to be difficult, trying to change the way you think. But believe me, IT’S GOING TO BE WORTH IT.


Dr. Apurv Khandelwal

Follow me here if you would like to continue this journey of understanding the 4 wheels of life.

I highly recommend buying the book Life’s Amazing Secrets by Gaur Gopal Das here. It explains these approaches in much detail with suitable examples.

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Dr. Apurv Khandelwal

Human | Doctor | Learner | Amateur writer. I write on topics related to health, well-being, mental health, and self-improvement.