How I gained 100 followers in just 2 weeks!

John Nguyen
5 min readFeb 10, 2024

It’s my story to inspire others.

Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

This is my experience,

I’m sure you’ll find something from this article.


Last month, I only had 60 followers, but this month the number has naturally increased to 170 followers, even though I haven’t written an article for over 2 weeks.

But the number of followers still grows every day.

That’s what I’ve discovered, so follow suit to achieve similar results.
The law of giving and receiving, surely after this article, I’ll receive even more readers.

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Above is my growth chart.

You can see in my personal profile, the latest article may have been written about two weeks ago, but the number of followers continues to grow steadily.

That’s what I’ve found.

Consistency is key

I’ve noticed that a Medium account will yield the best results if you focus solely on writing about a few topics that you excel in.

I’ve tried mixing various content in my account, but the number of users visiting my profile and viewing my articles without a specific theme is minimal.

In other words, it’s like a pile of garbage.

If I were them, I would walk away and never revisit their profile again.

Furthermore, the next factor directly related to the number of users I’ve also discovered is that I’ve been consistently writing on Medium over a period of time.

Perhaps writing consistently for a week will yield better results.

Let me show you some specific evidence.

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You can see that since I published this article, it’s only the first week of February 2024. But the results I’ve achieved already match those of both December last year and January 2024 combined.

That’s an impressive figure, isn’t it?

The “I Factor”

This is something I learned from Paul Rose

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I realized this after writing many ineffective articles before I met her.

It was only then that I truly understood that my articles needed more personal elements rather than just sharing knowledge like in university lectures.


It’s like I’m telling a story, and surely you’ll know there’s another name for it: Storytelling.

I found that storytelling based on personal experience and elements I bring forth significantly increases engagement with the article.

Using relevant tags

Next, I use the MediumStats tool to gather tags related to the topics I’m interested in.
Then I’ll use tags with a high number of followers and fewer stories, ensuring that I can reach more users.

I personally follow:

  • Self-improvement
  • Life lessons
  • Personal development
  • Productivity
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A good title & a good image is everything.

In addition, I also noticed that a good title will need to incorporate some elements of intrigue and irrationality, combined with the following factors:

Here are the factors I used.

  • Clickable Numbers 1,3,5,7,9,10… etc.
  • The go to topics Habits, Lessons, Mistakes, Frameworks, etc.
  • Included a desirable benefit (becoming highly attractive)

After I included a good title, I made sure the image I used was of something they’d like to achieve, so naturally I used midjourney to make me a photo of a handsome man.

The Day to Remember 🤭

Next, you need to create some click-baity elements.

It may seem a bit insincere, but these are actual statistics.

The author’s evidence is crucial at this stage. This helps keep readers engaged and reading your article longer.

(or to be exact in 31 seconds (real Mediumers will understand me 😅)).

The “Click-baitiness” is hiding somewhere else.

For example, let’s take a look at this section — it is called “The Day to Remember”. To be completely honest — I don’t remember the day itself very well!

Maybe because I was very busy, it didn’t seem like something special was going on. It looked like a usual day for me — very intense, a lot of writers waiting to be added to the pubs, a lot of stories to review, and so on. Business as usual.



I will share more little things like these in other posts. I’m going to bed now and will await your response below in the comments.
I hope this article has something you need.

About the author

I am John, selling products on Etsy, and I am also a writer.

I hope that my sharing can inspire you to have more motivation in your work.

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My shares have achieved a high reading rate, so I can say that the experiences I share can definitely help you achieve similar results

Success comes from both big achievements and small contributions!



John Nguyen

With 6 years of Etsy sales experience, I'm here to share all I've learned #EtsyExpert Get our free Digital Product