How I managed to Overcome Procrastination

Being a writer, Procrastination means certain death. but I was able to cheat the death by setting myself up in a constant motivational course

Thilina Dasantha


Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

At some point in our lives, most of us have been victimized by procrastination. What exactly is procrastination? According to Wikipedia, “Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something”. Sounds familiar? From five more minutes at the start of the day to one more episode at the end of the day, we allow ourselves to procrastinate every day for some magnitude.

I was no different from that. It took me a while to figure it out but it seems that procrastination has been a huge part of my life and personality for a long time.

I was postponing my entire schedule and daily routines just because I wasn’t feeling like it. And what did it bring me? A condensed program of work that I eventually gave up because it was stressing me out. Could I have avoided that situation? Yes, obviously. Did I do it? No, I wasn’t ‘feeling’ like it.

Is this something you can relate to?

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