How I Quit My Job and Became a Full-Time Writer

Real-life lessons for anyone seeking to transition

Ajayi Olalekan
4 min readNov 21, 2023


Source: Andrea Piacquadio (

It was December 19th, 2019. I remember the day vividly. I was sitting at my desk, replying to emails and setting up meetings for my boss, like any other day.

But this time, something felt different.
I worked with him as a personal assistant for over two years. I used to love my job - it was challenging, stimulating, fast-paced.

But lately, it has become monotonous and exhausting. Waking up at 6 AM to commute downtown, getting home at 9 or 10 at night, constantly on call - it was taking a toll.

The "always on" lifestyle left me depleted. I had no energy for hobbies or self-care. The pay was not even enough to cater for my needs. Worst of all, this job did not align with my ultimate career goals. I wanted to do something creative that made an impact.

That fateful December day, I realized I could not do it anymore. I was burnt out. I wanted a change.

So right then and there, sitting at my desk, I emailed my resignation letter. My boss was understandably shocked. "Why are you quitting?" He asked. I told him honestly: "I am ready for something new."
He wished me well, and just like that, my personal assisting days were behind me.

It was terrifying giving up a stable income. But it also felt liberating. I was following my intuition - and my intuition told me I was meant to do something bigger.

I took two months off between jobs. During this time, I thought hard about what I wanted to do next.
By February 2020, I had gotten another job with a consulting firm.

The pay was double my former job, and I was excited looking ahead. But two weeks on the job, then came COVID-19 and the Nigerian economy shut down.

Now jobless once again, I began to contemplate what I would do from thence.

I have always loved writing and storytelling. Why not try to make a living as a writer?

Founded an Agency

So I got to work. I researched how to start a freelance writing business. I brushed up on my writing skills. I bought a domain name and web hosting and began writing on my blog to build a portfolio.

I started a business support agency. Within four months of starting my business, I landed my first freelance client.

It was a small business, but they paid me to write articles for them and manage their social media platforms.

In 2021, I niched down. I became a web/blog writer and discarded every other service I listed for my business in 2020.

By February 2021, I got my first international client, a 60$ (15$ per hour) writing gig for a real estate company based in North Portland, Oregon.

I’ll never forget receiving my first paycheck for something I created. The feeling of fulfillment was inexplicable.

From there, things snowballed. I continued pitching myself on every writing platform I could find.

Some months were incredibly tight financially. But I was determined to make this work.

Slowly but surely, my hustle paid off. My portfolio grew, along with my pay rate.

Soon, I had a few consistent freelance gigs that allowed me to pay my bills with writing.

In 2020, I took the leap into writing full-time. It was scary but also enormously rewarding.

Fast forward to today, and I am a top-rated full-time freelance writer, and my income has grown every year.

From my gallery

Modestly speaking, I have earned over $25,000 from writing alone.

Every morning, I am grateful I took that leap of faith. As difficult as it was to quit my secure job, it led me to so much.

If you are feeling stuck and dreaming of doing something new, here are a few tips:

  • Set time aside for self-reflection. Get clarity on what you truly want.
  • Build up a financial cushion. Savings reduce stress during a career transition.
  • Start creating your new path before finally quitting. Test the waters with freelancing or moonlighting.
  • Tell supportive friends and family. They can encourage you when you need it.
  • Keep expanding your skills. Sign up for courses to continually improve your abilities.
  • Do not give up on yourself, even when it gets hard. With dedication, you can make the career switch.

In my free ebook — Passion to Profit — I share a framework for turning your passion (such as writing) into a profitable business.

Passion to Profit ebook cover

You can grab a copy here — Passion to Profit.

Wrapping Up

The journey to becoming a full-time writer required courage and grit. But I have never regretted taking that leap.

Sometimes you need to bet on yourself and pave your path.

I am living proof that career changes later in life are possible when you put your mind to them. If I could do it, you can do it too. I believe in you!

Need help on how to build a profitable writing business and the lifestyle of your choice? Hop on a free 15-minute clarity call with me.

I hope this helps you. If it did, be sure to clap me a thousand times (joking, a few tens would do), leave me a comment (it will encourage me a lot — smiles), and share this with someone you know needs it (they say sharing is caring).



Ajayi Olalekan

Premium Ghostwriter 🇳🇬 🇺🇸 🌎 Get my free ebook (Passion to Profit) - | Get my Medium Masterclass —