How I Took Care of My Mental Health During the Peak of COVID-19

Staying Resilient: My Mental Health Journey Through the COVID-19 Crisis

Ajay Parmar
4 min readAug 14, 2024


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I remember the COVID-19 lockdown well. It was a challenging time, with everyone forced to stay at home to prevent the spread of the virus. There were numerous restrictions, including mask-wearing, hand sanitizing, and taking immunity-boosting drugs.

Surviving that period was tough, and it’s hard to imagine what it was like during the peak of the pandemic. While many people have moved on from those days, the trauma and challenges faced during that time, especially related to mental health, remain significant.

Indeed, the mental health issues that arose during the lockdown were profound. Being confined to our homes, the stress and isolation often led to feelings of depression and anxiety. Reports of domestic disputes and increased mental health struggles highlighted how the lockdown impacted not just physical health, but emotional well-being as well.

Today, I’m sharing my personal experience with mental health and how I managed it during the peak of the pandemic. I’ll also discuss how I coped with the situation. I hope my story can offer some help if you’re dealing with depression or similar challenges.

How I Managed My Mental Health During the Pandemic

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I remember the pandemic period as a time when I remained calm and stable, with no anxiety, depression, or chaos, despite being far from my family and having limited resources like food and water. I was preparing for the country’s highest civil service exam of India during those days. Unfortunately, I didn’t clear the exam,

I maintained strict discipline. I used to wake up early and follow a structured schedule that included various activities, such as reading books and solving previous exam papers. These were part of my daily routine. In between, I managed to stay in my room owner’s hostel, where he helped provide basic necessities. I also had my meals from a nearby MBBS student mess.

So, my problems with food, water, and accommodation were not significant. However, the best part was that the strict daily schedule I followed kept me focused. I read a lot of books, stayed updated with the news, and set a final target for myself: once the pandemic ended and things returned to normal, I would have a respectable officer job. While many people were busy on social media, sharing posts and spending time on TikTok and Instagram, I set a goal to stay focused on my studies without distractions. I cut myself off from all social media platforms, which was an integral part of my preparation.

And it was during the year before the pandemic that I maintained my discipline and did not deviate from the situation surrounding me. I accepted the circumstances and adapted to them.

This approach is similar to the teaching found in Hindu literature, such as in the Bhagavad Gita, 2.47:

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मां फलेषु कदाचन,
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि।

Karmanye vadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana, ma karma phala hetur bhoor ma te sango ‘stv akarmani.

Translation: “You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, nor be attached to inaction.”

This verse encourages individuals to focus on their actions and duties without being attached to the outcomes, which aligns with the idea of staying committed to one’s goals despite any adverse situations.

Final Learning: Coping with Mental Health Key Lessons for Everyone

Maintaining mental health during a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic requires resilience, discipline, and adaptability. Key takeaways from your experience include:

  1. Structured Routine: Establishing a consistent daily schedule can provide stability and focus, helping to manage stress and maintain a sense of normalcy.
  2. Adaptability: Being flexible and resourceful in the face of challenges is crucial. Accepting circumstances and making the best of available resources can mitigate difficulties.
  3. Goal Setting: Having clear, long-term goals helps maintain motivation and direction, even during uncertain times. This focus can guide your efforts and keep you engaged despite external challenges.
  4. Disconnection from Distractions: Limiting exposure to distractions, such as social media, can help you stay focused on your priorities and reduce stress.
  5. Philosophical Perspective: Embracing the idea of focusing on actions rather than outcomes, as suggested in the Bhagavad Gita, can help maintain mental equilibrium and reduce anxiety about results.

By incorporating these principles, you can effectively navigate challenging periods and maintain mental well-being.


During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, I faced significant challenges but managed to maintain mental stability through a disciplined and purposeful approach. Key strategies included adhering to a structured routine, adapting to the circumstances, setting clear long-term goals, minimizing distractions, and embracing a philosophical perspective on action and outcomes.


My experience highlights the importance of resilience and discipline in managing mental health during crises. By establishing a consistent routine, remaining adaptable, and focusing on meaningful goals, you can effectively navigate challenging situations and maintain your well-being. These strategies, rooted in both practical and philosophical approaches, offer valuable lessons for managing mental health in any difficult period.



Ajay Parmar

Artificial Intelligence | Data Science | Tech Enthusiast | Python | ML |Life | Cyber | SQL | Founder of NewZolokiya