How Mobile Voting Can Transform Elections?

Aditi Agarwal
3 min readJan 20, 2022

The ability of Mobile Voting/eVoting to transform elections

Mobile Voting, also known as Online Voting or Online Election is a technology-based voting system that helps voters to cast their votes from their own houses. It not only helps the voters but also makes it easy for small or large-scale organizations to conduct elections. It’s less confusing, more engaging, and definitely more secure and private. With the introduction to Online Voting, the election procedures in India will transform into something better and bigger.

4 ways Mobile Voting can transform the election procedures in India

More Involvement of the Voters:

General elections in India happen every 5 years where voters take part in the voting process. Due to many reasons, many voters miss out on casting votes. Old age, unavailability of vehicles to reach the booths, residing in different states are a few of the reasons. Online Voting can solve these certain issues. As the entire process will happen through the internet, people can cast their respective votes from the comfort of their own houses without any traveling to the booths. It will also be very helpful for senior citizens. Mobile Voting can certainly increase the involvement of the voters in general elections.

eVoting — Right2Vote
Photo by Manny Becerra on Unsplash

More Secured and Private Voting:

Voting booths are not private. People stand in queues to vote for their respective candidates but sometimes, their privacy is invaded by local political party members. There are some doubts about the integrity of EVM machines as well. The voting procedure is not secured and is not private. Mobile Voting is a far more reliable and secured option for general as well as corporate elections. The process is entirely run by software that ensures full security and integrity. OTP authentication, AADHAAR details, and other important identification process ensure that the vote remains to the voter only.

Reduced Election Expenditure:

Elections are expensive. From appointing people to do necessary jobs to conducting elections in various booths of respective states, the cost of the entire process is quite huge. As the Indian economy is not in ideal shape presently, Online Voting can really make its ground. The process requires a mobile or electronic device connected to the internet. The technology used here is not as expensive as other mediums of elections. Many privatized sectors can also use this for their elections in companies or organizations.

Online Voting- Right2Vote
Photo by visuals on Unsplash

Easy Election Marketing:

Election marketing is another part of the process that requires various works. It’s not only expensive but also takes quite a lot of people to do the needful. If the election procedure shifts to the online method, the marketing will definitely shift to the social sites. Digitalized marketing not only saves time but also provides the voters with every information they need. Through proper planning and execution, any political party or organization can do marketing for their respective groups/parties. It opens up several new dimensions through which an election campaign can be conducted.

