How Much Does “Quiet Quitting” Cost Your Soul?

Andrew Quint
4 min readJun 16, 2024


Chevanon Photography

I’ll explain later how disengaging from work shattered my spirit, but for now, let’s understand the problem.


A couple of years ago, almost every headline offered clickbait about “quiet quitting,” which means barely keeping your job while doing as little work as possible.

At that time, the COVID economy boomed, and employers threw money at people who occasionally breathed. Folks could get away with quiet and actual quitting then.

As time passed, inflation spiked, so the Federal Reserve Bank turned off the money spigot.

As a result, jobs dried up, captains of industry booted out formerly employed engineers onto the mean streets of urban America, and the workers’ money train derailed.

Still, quiet quitting persists like the head-pounding, gut-wrenching hangover that inevitably follows that 3-day Las Vegas binge.

However, I’m not going to bore you now with scintillating statistics that show the state of quiet quitting today.

Instead, you might benefit from my experience as a disengaged worker.

How much did quiet quitting cost my soul?



Andrew Quint

Sharing interesting and unusual side hustles to help you escape the 9 to 5.