How My Bunny Taught Me The True Power of Contentment

The Blazin' Pen
3 min readJan 1, 2023

She’s cute, funny, and feisty.

Here’s the honest truth. I love my bunny. She’s the pet I never knew I needed and has become an integral part of my family. And I think she would agree that she has the best bunny mom (me) and bunny grandparents.

I’ve had my rabbit for almost two years, and by witnessing her day-to-day routine, I’ve noticed something I truly admire about her. She shows contentment, excitement, and love for simple things.

Also, her name is HaHa, and she is an English Spot and Drawf Hotot mix (she’s fancy like that). :)

So, what is contentment?

According to Oxford Languages, contentment is to be in a state of satisfaction, peace, and happiness.

In the essence of this word, HaHa exudes happiness through her daily routines, midday snacking, and midnight shenanigans.

Here’s how!

One of her favorite foods is rabbit pellets. They are a small brown nutritional food the size of TicTacs. Every day, without fail, she will run to her eating pillow or blanket at 9:00 am to eat her pellets. When we rattle the pellet jar, she’ll sprint like a hungry cheetah to our feet and will continue to run laps around us until we finally feed her. And if we take too long, she’ll nudge our ankles with her little nose or suddenly turn into a Tasmanian Devil and grunt impatiently.

In the mornings, she will follow us to the bathroom and wait patiently at the door for us to come out and pet her fluffy forehead. We like to call her “The Guard” whenever she takes her position to survey at the door.

My personal favorite moment is when she savors intimate moments, like when I stroke her ears and back, then she’ll groom me by licking my hand. She’ll show her happiness by slightly grinding her teeth and gently closing her eyes as I pet her. If I stop at any point she is not ready, she’ll protrude her head at me like, “where do you think you’re going,” then I must resume her luxury massage.

Final Thoughts

Photo by Степан Галагаев on Unsplash

Here’s what I summarize from these simple yet adorable behaviors. To cherish the small, consistent things makes living for the next day better and better. Even if it is simply eating your favorite snack, being present in a warm embrace, or having quality time with people who allow you to express your little quirks, peace and satisfaction can be found.

By examining the little things I take for granted each day, I began to realize instead of expecting those things to be there the next day, I need to acknowledge them with gratitude. By continuously practicing intentional contentment and gratitude, I’ve found that inner peace and clarity of mind quickly follow. Practicing contentment may not come as innately as it does for my bunny, but it doesn’t mean I can’t practice daily, so gratitude becomes innate.

Thank you, HaHa, for being an inspiration!

If you’d like, you can buy me a coffee or HaHa a treat :)



The Blazin' Pen

Hello there! I‘m a creative young woman on a freelance journey, and I’m bringing my bunny along for the ride. My Services: