How the Tech Industry Prioritizes Innovation, Progress and Profit Above Ethical Considerations.

A force for good or a harbinger of unintended consequences?

Kingsley Asuamah


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In the corridors of Silicon Valley and the tech industry in general, a growing disquiet lingers — one that questions the industry’s unwavering prioritisation of innovation, progress, and profit at the expense of ethical considerations.

The relentless pursuit of growth and profits, the very engines that drive the tech behemoths, has given rise to a culture of hubris and impunity. This culture, often veiled beneath the shiny exterior of groundbreaking advancements, dismisses potential harm to users, workers, society, and the environment with alarming nonchalance.

The first sin in this ethical quagmire is the industry’s obsession with speed and scale, seemingly relegating responsible development to a secondary concern. The rapid-fire pace of technological evolution, while impressive, often outpaces our ability to foresee and mitigate potential risks.

In this breakneck race toward progress, the mantra frequently used is “move fast and break things,” neglecting the responsibility to safeguard against the collateral damage inflicted upon unsuspecting users and the broader social fabric.



Kingsley Asuamah

Simple guy with a twisted mind. Tech Enthusiast. Software Quality Evangelist (QA). Humour Monger. I have many interests but I write mostly on Technology & Life.