Authentic and Toxic Positivity — Can You Spot the Difference?

5 min readMay 25, 2024


You want to be more positive — but what does that mean, and how can you tell the difference between genuine positivity from toxic positivity?

Photo by Galina Kondratenko on Unsplash

Having a positive mindset changed my life.

But I realized that for most of my formative years, it was fake positivity — Like two sides of the same coin, realizing that there are two contrasting approaches to maintaining a positive outlook was interesting.

Understanding toxic positivity was vital to the longevity of my well-being

What does Authentic Positivity Look Like?

This is a genuine and balanced approach to positivity that acknowledges both positive and negative emotions. It’s acknowledging your current situation with honesty and understanding.

Authentic Positivity allows you to feel and express a full range of emotions while maintaining an overall positive outlook.

Let’s look at some pros and cons to authentic positivity:


  • Emotional Balance: It’s important to encourage your emotional intelligence by recognizing and processing both positive and negative feelings.




Writer - Thoughts on mindset, wellness, and all the good things about self-care.