How to Become a High-Value Person!

Be Hopeful
4 min readAug 27, 2023

A Small Guide on Becoming a High-Value Person. You deserve to be valued, respected, and loved.

Photo by Andrew Bui on Unsplash

In this story, I will discuss the importance of becoming a high-value person and how you can become one. Before I start discussing other things, the first thing you need to stop right now is that:

1. Stop talking negatively about yourself

Why? Because others are enough to talk shit about you!

Every individual in this world has insecurities;

Even the most beautiful women undergo surgeries due to their insecurities about their noses not being perfect, their lips not being in the desired shape, and so on.

Instead of putting yourself down in front of other people you need to follow these techniques:

Discuss your insecurities with yourself in front of a mirror. Have a conversation with yourself about how you can address these issues.

It’s important for you to overcome insecurities, but don't discuss them with other people

2. Be in a positive frequency

Understand this: When you love yourself,

You naturally maintain positive thoughts about yourself.

Take a shower, wear beautiful clothes and eat your favourite food.

This positive energy creates a surrounding aura of positivity

that influences the subconscious minds of those around you.

On the contrary,

if you entertain negativity and devalue yourself,

that same energy will envelop you, affecting the people around you in a similar way

3. Never advertise your insecurities and imperfections

People often don’t notice many things until we point them out. I used to mention that I was gaining weight, that my face wasn’t looking fresh, my glasses didn’t suit me well and I had white hair, etc.

However, the day I began to truly love myself,

I started embracing the changes within me.

I cherish my white hair because it holds life experiences.

When I gaze into the mirror, I realize that I am beautiful.

I’ve grown to love my face more with glasses on; I believe they make me appear more mature and dignified.

Actually, I accept the fact that glasses and white hairs are a part of me. This is how I am. I’m sharing these things just as examples to help you understand how things change with my own perspective. And, importantly, because I don’t let these things bother me. I firmly believe that I deserve all the happiness in the world. You deserve it too.

4. You deserve happiness

When someone wants to do something for you, enjoy it, because you deserve it. Don’t feel ashamed.

If you are in a relationship, you deserve time, attention, and respect. They’re meant to be given freely.

Don’t hesitate to walk away.

Yes, this is true in relationships. You understand the level of respect you deserve, so it’s important to communicate your needs politely and then give some time based on the situation. If the other person doesn’t show you the respect you deserve, don’t hesitate to walk away. You, my dear, deserve someone better.

5. Appearance

The way you carry yourself matters a lot, especially your appearance. It’s not just about not caring about others’ judgments.

We are human beings, and we are inherently social creatures. Interaction with other humans is an essential part of our lives.

Take care of yourself not just to impress others.

This involves taking care of your skin, nails, hair, and overall cleanliness. Grooming demonstrates self-care and attention to detail.

6. Love and respect yourself

Respecting your time is essential; resist the urge to be constantly glued to your mobile device.

Embrace moments of presence and focus.

Moreover, avoid stretching beyond your comfort zone just to manage your calls.

Your boundaries are valuable, and it’s perfectly fine to prioritize your comfort and well-being when dealing with communication.

7. Be stable

You need to be stable emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. Remaining stable can be challenging at times,

but even in those moments when it seems impossible,

Don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

Engage in activities that contribute to your stability:

  • Read books that inspire you.
  • Watch intriguing documentaries.
  • Travel and explore new places.
  • Cultivate hobbies that bring you joy.

I can’t complete this story without talking about Our past…….

See, we all learn as time goes by. We all make mistakes, and that’s completely normal. What truly counts is what we learn from those mistakes.

Don’t even speak negatively about your past.

In fact, “Keep Your Past a Mystery.”

We all go through tough times. However, it’s not necessary to display your wounds to everyone, or else you might

Do you want people to think about your beautiful side or your ugly side? It’s up to you.

Thank YOu for reading my story

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Be Hopeful

I share stories related self-development, Travel, and Online earning