How To Fight Your Lazy Mind.

BA Writes
4 min readFeb 2, 2024

Have you ever noticed that as soon as you make a commitment to yourself for a certain task your mind goes against you and starts thinking about the same? if yes then find the root cause.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

First, you need to know who is the enemy, the friend of laziness, or whom you need to fight against. It is a Pleasure. The pleasure of using the phone, the pleasure of sleeping, and the pleasure of a comfortable life. Every Morning, you hear two voices, one to stay in bed and the other to get up and work out.

the one who is in favor of staying in bed is your pleasure. and the other one is your intelligence. In general, you need to listen to your intelligence but whom do you listen to?

It is a fight of Pleasure vs Intelligence. you need to bring discipline into your life. Discipline is the core pillar of success. establishing discipline in your life can be a long journey. but it is worth it. In this journey, you will encounter many ups and downs. It is like a snake and ladder game.

I guess you all know this already and would have tried to make strategies or timetables to make sure your work gets done. but after following it for a few days something comes up or you lose your interest or you get bored or you take a break due to which your set routine is ruined.

Tips & Tricks To Bring Discipline/ Self Control In Your Life.


Exercise boosts energy in your body. due to which you don’t feel laziness or weakness in your body. Also, exercise works as a mood booster. No matter what you are feeling, exercise will help you to calm and relax. I think that’s why people exercise or go to the gym when they are distraught.

Will do it tomorrow.

We often use this sentence to avoid the work. but let’s use this sentence to put our pleasure for tomorrow and work for today. For example, the alarm strikes at 6: am sharp but you put on snooze by saying I will wake up early tomorrow but let’s revert it by saying that I will wake up today early and will sleep tomorrow and do it again the next day. and slowly waking up early will become your habit.

Have Self Respect

The person who has self-respect will never be lazy, because they know how their parents have raised them. and they don’t want to become a burden on their parents. They know their responsibility. and won’t give anyone a chance to disrespect them.

so, they work hard and make sure they achieve what they want. even though self-respect is important in our lives too. Everyone needs to have self-respect. Also, this kind of nature helps you to make better decisions.

Do the challenging and interesting work.

Our disease is laziness and laziness is caused by the emotion of boredom. so, boredom is the root cause. Let’s pull it out from the bottom. do the work which gives you a sense of satisfaction. or make your existing work interesting and challenging.

Let’s take an example of study, most students don’t feel like studying, and eventually, they put it on hold and get bad grades. so let’s not put it away but make learning different.

It can be done by solving questions related to the topic that you are doing or learning through images by pasting a picture of your goal in front of your study table or keep reminding yourself about your parents’ expectations and hard work. find your way of making work more interesting and challenging.

Make your pain your pleasure

you avoid your work just to scroll through social media. which gives you pleasure. just like this make sure whatever work you do you get pleasure out of it. This can be achieved through one way which is changing your perspective.

Whatever work you don’t enjoy doing, try to do it for a longer period. stick to that work. try to find an interesting way of doing that work. Lastly, think of a time when you will feel happy after completing this task.

Remind yourself that you are a disciplined person.

make a to-do list and try to complete it with all your heart. After completing every task, remind yourself you are a step ahead. you are becoming a disciplined person. this will make your subconscious mind believe that you have become a disciplined person. and will act accordingly afterward.

Lastly, try to be more consistent as it will help you to form your habits and daily routine. Moreover, remember discipline is not a choice, it’s compulsory for a successful life. Some are sure for outcomes, some make sure.



BA Writes

Through writing, Every sentence I craft is a piece of me, a wordsmith. join me in celebrating the beauty of writing and the deep impact it can have on our world