How to Find a Boyfriend in College

Find the perfect boyfriend in college, this is how it is done.

The Love Blog
6 min readJul 27, 2022


How to Find a Boyfriend in College
Photo by Candice Picard on Unsplash


I’m just going to come out and say it: finding a boyfriend in college is tough. It’s hard to meet new people, especially if you are the only girl on campus. If you want to get out of this rut, I want you to know that there are ways for you to do it! Here are some tips:

Get involved in different activities.

The first step to finding a boyfriend in college is to be proactive about the activities you choose. In other words, don’t just show up at parties or go out with your friends randomly! Instead, make sure that you are doing something you enjoy and are passionate about. If this sounds like too much work for you, then consider taking on one of these activities instead:

  • volunteer opportunities through organizations like AmeriCorps or Habitat for Humanity (HfH). Volunteer opportunities can help build relationships with new people who share similar interests as well as give back to their communities through volunteering time/effort.
  • join clubs on campus such as Model United Nations (MUN), Student Government Association (SGA), Student Diversity Leadership Council (SDLC), etc., which will aid in networking with other students from different backgrounds and cultures around campus. These clubs also allow students who want to meet new people while still being able to keep up with academics because they meet regularly throughout each semester at meetings where topics such as current issues facing society today will be discussed openly amongst peers who have similar interests but not necessarily identical viewpoints on how best solve those problems ourselves — thus allowing us all to learn something valuable alongside developing skills required growing up into adulthood later down the road when needed most;

Don’t be afraid to ask your friends for help.

When it comes to dating, you’re not alone. It’s a struggle that everyone goes through at some point in their lives, and it can be tough to find someone who understands your unique needs. Fortunately for you, some friends have been there before and can help guide you toward the right person.

The first thing they might do is introduce you to someone new — someone they think would make a good friend or boyfriend/girlfriend candidate! If this sounds familiar, try asking them if there’s anyone they know who could maybe advise on how best to find love in college (or post-graduation). Eventually, they might even tell you where those people live so that all those strangers become real-life friends instead of just potential options for dating material later down the line — and wouldn’t that be nice?

You’ll also probably want advice about other things besides finding romance: relationship problems? Love problems? Romantic troubles like infidelity or cheating? Those are some common issues young adults face during their lives before adulthood sets in; so what better way than having someone else experience similar struggles firsthand? And since we’re talking about trust here…

Talk to different guys.

If you’re worried about talking to guys, don’t be! You just need to be more confident in yourself. When I was younger and didn’t know how to talk to boys, I would always approach new people who seemed interesting and chat with them. It’s important not only because it makes you feel good but also because it helps you learn how other people act when they’re out on dates or hanging out at parties.

If someone approaches me first but then shows no interest in talking once we start talking (or worse yet starts avoiding eye contact), I’ll usually try again another day without letting them know that my previous attempt failed — and hopefully, he’ll decide he wants more time with me rather than move on without saying goodbye first! So never give up; keep trying until eventually one of those attempts works out well enough so that now we are dating exclusively :)

Don’t be afraid to say ‘no.’

Don’t be afraid to say no.

It’s important to have boundaries, especially when you’re in your early 20s and just starting as an adult. You don’t want everyone telling you what they think is best for you instead must make decisions based on your research and intuition. If someone asks if they can buy tickets at the last minute, don’t feel obligated to say yes or tell them it’s sold out — you may not be interested in going (or even know how much money those tickets cost). If someone asks if he can borrow some money from his dad without paying interest on the loan (which he probably will), then politely decline his request but do so kindly; by saying “no,” this person could potentially lose touch with his family altogether because there is no way of communicating between him and them unless one party agrees on something else like texting each other messages while at work together every day!

Don’t forget about fraternities or sororities.

Don’t forget about fraternities and sororities. Fraternities can be a great place to meet people, and you’ll probably get involved in campus activities. Some of these clubs may even have dating services or websites where you can find friends and dates. Campus events are also great ways to make new friends, which is especially important if you’re looking for someone you can share your life with after graduation (which we hope isn’t too far away).

You should go out as much as possible because it’s fun! Plus, if something goes wrong on the first date — if they seem uninteresting — you’ll know what not to do next time around. And remember: college students are more mature than high school students; they’re ready to commit now so that when it comes time for us all to move on from this place together later down the road…

Go out on dates with multiple people.

As you begin dating, you mustn’t rush into anything. If a guy is interested in you, he will ask for your number or give you an email address so that he can contact you later. Don’t be afraid to keep the lines of communication open with this person — it’s not like they won’t call again!

You also want to make sure that the relationship isn’t just another hookup because there are other ways of finding love than going on dates with random guys who aren’t interested in anything more than sex (and maybe some conversation).

If a guy seems like he might be worth keeping around as a boyfriend, then take all the time necessary while keeping an open mind about whether or not they’re right for each other long-term; otherwise, it could end up being too late before getting there if someone has already moved away by then…

It is possible to find a boyfriend in college if you are willing to put in the work!

It is possible to find a boyfriend in college if you are willing to put in the work!

It’s true! You can find someone who loves you and wants to spend time with you. You just need to be willing to put in the effort and take some risks. If this sounds like something that interests you, then keep reading!

I know it can be hard when you’re busy with schoolwork, extracurriculars, friends, family commitments and more. Sometimes it seems like there’s just no time left in the day for dating — but don’t worry! You can still find someone special even if your schedule is packed.

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As you can see, finding a boyfriend in college is not impossible. It takes time, but with the right strategies, it’s doable. Just remember to keep your eyes open for opportunities and don’t make assumptions about who might be interested in you based on their appearance or background. You’ll also want to keep an open mind as far as what type of guy will work best for your lifestyle — not all guys like sports or video games!



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