How to Get Glowing Skin: No BS Wellness Guide

Finally sharing my glowing clear skin secrets.

5 min readMay 14, 2024


Photo by Fleur Kaan on Unsplash

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, if you suffer from a medical condition, consult a doctor. This post contains affiliate links.

This post is for anyone looking to have a glowing, clear and healthy skin. I am sharing what has worked for me personally and what I continue to use in my current skin care routine.

My skin have not been the healthiest few years ago. I suffered from the worst skin infections (fungal infection). I spent few years to heal and recover from it.

During that time of my life I felt my confidence has reached rock bottom, I went through depression and a deep healing process.

So here are the exact things that has helped me heal, clear my skin and continue to have a glowing clear skin today.

1 Understand The Root Cause of The Skin Problem

How can we solve the issue permanently if we can’t see what’s causing it? Or worse we just address the surface level of it leading to a temporary relief, and then the issue comes creeping on us again.

As a spiritual woman, I like to get down with the question “why is this happening” and “what is my body trying to tell me?”.

Now, the cause could be external but it could also be internal.

“The skin projects to self and others both physical health or illness and emotional reactions and responses.” Philip D Shenefelt and Debrah A Shenefelt

Did you know that any unresolved and suppressed feelings within you can lead to skin issues and disease?

Yes, get those emotions out. Learn how to process and release your emotions safely. Use somatic practices, breath-work, dance or talk to your therapist.

Trust me what you feel matters.

Journaling is another therapeutic tool to process and let go that you can use.

2 Consume Anti-inflammatory Diet/Foods

What you eat matters. I have included more anti-inflammatory foods in my diet and this has helped me tremendously in clearing my skin.

Along with cutting down sugar, the poison that keeps the flare up alive. I started intentionally taking supplements and making drinks that helped relief my inflammations and clear my skin naturally.

My favorite daily skin beauty drink

This drink alone has single handedly given me a clear glowing skin, and better immune system. It completely cleared my skin and reduced inflammations significantly.


  • 2 teaspoon organic turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • 1 spoon cloves
  • 1 teaspoon decaf coffee (this is optional)
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/2 cup plant based milk or normal milk
  • 1 scoop of collagen powder
  • 1 teaspoon of natural sweetner like honey, date syrup or stevia (this is optional)


  1. Put a scoop of collagen powder and teaspoon of a sweetner in your drinking mug and keep aside while you make the mix.
  2. Mix (turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, decaf coffee) with water and let it boil on the stove.
  3. Once your mix has come to boil, add half cup of milk and let it boil.
  4. Once it’s all boiled and the color is nice and golden, pour the mix in your drinking mug, mix well and enjoy.

Shop all ingredients on my favorite wellness shop here.

I drink this daily, I add decaf coffee sometimes not every day.

3 Consult A Dermatologist

This might sound crazy but I resisted going to the doctor for a long time when I had the skin infection. I thought I knew what I was doing. And now thinking back I deeply regret not going sooner.

So if you have severe skin issues, seek professional help, consult a dermatologist to get down with what is really going on. Get the diagnosis and start from there.

4 Heal Your Gut

70% of your health is located in your gut. Once I started healing my gut, I felt better in my body, my immune system became stronger every day.

If I had one advice to give you right now to start a healthier skin journey, that would be “take your probiotics!”.

Your gut will love probiotics.

I can not stress this enough, taking probiotics every day made a huge difference in my mood, my skin, my digestion, my everything.

I use this but you can get yours on my favorite wellness shop here.

5 Cycle Syncing

The lifestyle that opened my eyes to accepting my body as a woman, and helped me balance my hormones (another aspect that causes skin issues) is cycle syncing.

I wish I started cycle syncing years before!

I managed to completely shift to a better, healthier and happier lifestyle with cycle syncing.

Read more on this below.

If you are a beginner and would like to learn and try cycle syncing I highly recommend this bundle (with 6 months printable planner).

6 Drink More Water ( Quality Water )

Your water matters. Water is essential for our skin and body. Drinking water with trace minerals or electrolytes keeps the body hydrated nourished and strong.

I drink at least 2 litre of water daily.

Make sure that you drink a quality pure water and never drink tap water as it has so much stuff that can cause more harm than good to your body.

7 Get a Good Shower Filter

This one has been a life saver for me. The shower filter not only made my skin get better but also my hair got much healthier and alive.

Your shower water could make your skin worse if it’s not filtered.

Choose a good shower filter to make sure the water you shower with is clean and pure.


There are so many ways you can get a glowing clear skin. And the ones that last are the ones that truly target the root cause of skin issues and give us solutions that lasts and help us improve not only our skin but also our overall wellness and immune system.

