How To Grow Your Personal Brand in 90 Days

You’re the niche

Kiraa Wells
6 min readAug 3, 2023


Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

Having The Right Mindset

Before we get into all the tactics and examples, we need to talk about mindset.

Building a powerful and a lasting brand takes time and effort, like anything great in life.

If it was easy, everyone would be successful.

Building a personal brand isn’t one of those ‘get rich in 1 month schemes’.

If you want to succeed in this game, know that it will take time and you will face moments of struggle.

You may even feel like giving up but remember, this is where most people quit and this is why they don’t win.

So embrace the hard work because it is gonna be your neighbor for the coming years if you want to build something LEGENDARY.

Again it is going to be hard, but if you love or want to create things on the internet, you’re good.

Picking A Niche

Before we start all the creating aspects of things we have to figure out what you want to talk about online.

Now I’m sure by now you have heard the saying “you’re the niche” or “the most profitable niche is you”.

Okay, let me explain.

Yes this is true, the niche should be you.

Your interests, beliefs, experiences and curiosities put together.

But then again, if you’re interested in cars for example, this is something you can’t or is very difficult to monetize.

Sure you can talk about it but we need to find a topic that you like which can also be monetized easily.

I’m going to show you a picture which explains it well but don’t worry about it too much in the beginning.

For example I started by only talking about self-improvement. Addictions, habits building, productivity etc.

But now I found a new interest.

Helping people start and monetize their brand.

The point is that you figure a lot of things out as you go so just start with what you have.

In the beginning just talk about whatever you are the most passionate about.

Here’s a picture: (using myself as an example)

You don’t have to hold back with the subtopics. You can have as many as you want.

Just choose 2 main interests and deconstruct them into smaller categories which you can talk about.

Why are you the most profitable niche?

Because no one can be better at being you than you.

Just like you can’t be better at being Iman Gadzhi than Iman himself. See the point here.

You just eliminated all your competition.

How many Tauri Hanvere’s are there.


Same with you, how many you’s are there? Zero.

Not as saturated as it originally seemed huh.

So I think that’s all you need to know about niching down:

Be yourself, choose 2 main topics and deconstruct them into smaller topics.

And boom, now you know what to talk about.

Idea Generation

So before we start going crazy with the posting, let me tell you a lil about idea generation.

There’s 2 main ways that I use to have endless content ideas flowing in at all times:

Gaining Inspiration

So this is podcasts, books, newsletters or YT videos.

Pretty straight forward, find a big creator in your niche and see where you could hear more from him.

Maybe he has a YT channel and most likely has a newsletter. Get in there and gather some inspiration for your own content. But don’t fall into the trap though.

It’s very easy to copy exactly what they say. It’s tempting, especially when just starting out.

But it’s not worth it, you will just ruin your brand and lower your chances of succeeding.

So gain inspiration but mix it with your own personal experiences and beliefs.

And boom, you got some relatively unique content.

I don’t recommend listening to more than 2 podcasts a week. More than that is just procrastination.

Look into your past

So I found myself in the inspiration rabbit hole.

All I did was consume, consume and consume.

I rarely came up with any unique content.

I was so lazy that I made the smallest tweeks and basically just copied other people’s content.

But I realized that this ain’t gonna build my brand so I made a realization worth millions.

At least to me.

So I started looking into my past.

See what I already know and what experiences I have.

Crazy but I never did it.

If I ever posted anything, it was from a podcast or a video not from my own life.

I don’t know why but I just never looked into it myself.

Glad I made that realization though.

Since then my growth has been crazy fast.

The content doesn’t get more unique than just looking into your own life and writing about the cool shit you’ve done.

Whatever it is.

The cringe first kiss you had.

The funny party you went to back in high school.

Same with the problems you’ve solved.

If you are over 10 years old then you have solved a problem.

You might not just be aware of it yet.

So just sit down, no distractions and see what you have done with your life so far.

Then write about it.


Look into your own life.

Writing Hooks

Hooks are the biggest factor when it comes to going viral or just making your writing perform well.

We have so much information in Today’s world that if the first line of your post is not interesting enough, it will not perform to its greatest potential.

So how do we write hooks?

I’m gonna be honest, you develop good by just writing.

In the beginning I had no clue about hooks and how they work but now I have wrote over 9k times I’m starting to figure out a lot.

But I can still give you a few tips to help you on your journey.

Hooks are short, attention grabbing, they can even be very over exaggerated, ridiculous.

You get the point.

Hooks are only there to grab attention. Keep that in mind.


There’s quite a lot of ways to monetize:

Low ticket — digital products, courses, communities etc

High ticket — coaching, ghostwriting

We will dive deep into coaching because I believe this is the easiest and most profitable method to monetize your personal brand.

At least in the beginning.

When you already have a bigger audience you can also look into ghostwriting.

But I want to talk about how you can start making at least 500/mo with coaching…

Note — I would love to say 2k/mo but in July so far I have made 500 so I just refuse to say more than I actually made.

Before we get into anything else just figure these 2 out.

Okay, cool. I’m not gonna talk about inbound clients here too much but this might happen to you.

My first client was inbound, this was the dm I received.

To make this happen you have to have proof that you are who you say you are.

Well I had that because my profile did the talking.

On a call later he told me that he noticed my fast growth. At the time I was growing 30–40 followers per day.

So I had what he wanted.

The engagement and the fast growth.

So if you plan on offering personal brand growth coaching and you have fast growth, expect similar dms.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this. It means a lot. If you enjoyed this, give it a clap or even comment.

I dare you to!

If you find this story helpful and want more actionable insights, check out my daily dose of motivation here and follow me on Twitter growth journey.

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Kiraa Wells

I write about everything I’m learning, things I’m thinking about, and ideas I’m having. This helps me more than anything get out of my own head.