How to Make Video Using Artificial Intelligence

Neeraj Kumar (@dachman)
2 min readJun 6, 2023

Hey guys, I am back once again. In this article, I will talk about how to make videos using artificial Intelligence. If you have a Youtube channel or you are making videos. Maybe this article help you.

Photo by Kaur Kristjan on Unsplash

In this technological era, everyone is making content. Because we earn with content creation.

What is Content Creation

Content creation is the process where we develop valuable content for your users content creation can be a blog, video making, or reels. etc. Nowadays everyone starting content creation for many topics of making passive income like Youtube Shorts, Blogging, and Writing Programming tutorials on the Twitter thread.

Now, we are back on how to make video content using artificial intelligence.

Prepare your Video Content: Before diving into the AI-powered video creation process, it’s essential to gather the necessary materials and plan your video’s concept. Consider the purpose of your video, the target audience, and the message you want to convey. Organize any existing images, videos, or scripts that will be utilized in the video creation process.

You can use it is an AI video editing website in this website you can paste a script or article and it will generate videos or reels it will copyright free and you can upload these types of videos.

Try (affiliate link)

Once the AI tool generates the video, preview it to check for any errors or areas that require refinement. If necessary, iterate the process by adjusting the input resources or tool parameters to achieve the desired outcome.

Thank You

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Neeraj Kumar (@dachman)

I am a Software Engineer, and Linux user. I love to share my knowledge.