How to Not Waste Your Summer and Make Every Day Count

3 min readJul 14, 2023

“How was your summer bro?”, your mates ask you as you come back to school.

You don’t even know what to say. You did close to nothing.

If you don’t want that to happen, here’s how to not waste your summer.

Let’s dive in.

Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

Create meaningful memories

What connects all your best summer memories, out of all those years?

You probably went outside and actually did stuff.

It can take many shapes:

  • Seeing your mates;
  • Reconnecting with your parents (and family in general);
  • Meeting new people from new groups;
  • Travelling, alone or with someone;

See how none of these are “watching YouTube all day”?

Try something new

This doesn’t immediately mean “go skydiving.” Just switch something up and see how you feel about it.

There are plenty of little areas to try new things at:

  • Shopping at a different grocery store;
  • Eating at a different pizzeria than the one you usually eat at;
  • Borrowing a book from a different library;
  • Going for a run… on a different route (we’ll get back to this subject soon enough)

Of course there are also the BIG things to try, such as picking up a new hobby, learning a new language, or screw everything and move to Mongolia.

Catch up with old friends

The older you get, the more likely it is that you haven’t spoken to an old mate of yours in a long time. How about you change that in the summer?

Take a moment to think about some of your old mates, after a moment you will surely come up with one you haven’t seen in a long time. Both of you have more than plenty of time now, so there’s no better time to catch up.

Who knows what stories they have to share? Maybe they even have a job opportunity? You might even get invited to a house party through them, which you will end up having a jolly time at.

Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

Get moving

Working out is quite delightful in the summer. Really, I hate running, but it’s pretty enjoyable in hot weather.

You could go to a nearby calisthenics park and train there. It’s legit fun, the community is great, and I have stuck around for much more than the summer I found it.

After the summer is done, you will have at least returned to form, worst case scenario. Best case scenario is you’re already in great shape and it had improved even more throughout the summer.

Photo by Chander R on Unsplash

In case you’re bored to death and far away from people — read loads of books

Last summer I had to spend 2,5 weeks at my grandma’s apartment, over 100km away from home. I don’t have a single friend in that town aside from my cousin. I had more free time than ever. Trust me, I was bored alright.

My saving grace? I had my dad’s Kindle with me.

Within those 2,5 weeks, I went through 4 entire books. During the academic year, going through 4 books sometimes takes me 2 MONTHS instead.

I had the time of my life, I’m telling you.

Bonus tip:

Summer is when music is at its vibiest. Create yourself a summer playlist or look for albums with that kind of vibe.

Hello mates! My name is Szymon. I write stuff that hopefully makes you think. If you like my articles, consider buying me a coffee for $1 here and subscribing via email here.

