How to overcome REJECTION?

Fatima Amir
2 min readJul 10, 2023

"Sometimes, rejection in life is redirection."

Photo by Resource Database on Unsplash

No matter how successful a person is in life, at one point, one will have to face this painful reality, rejection. Learning how to deal with it is a valuable life skill you can use in all facets of your life. Rejection does not have to be about 'big stuff’, like not getting into your dream college or getting rejected in a job interview. Daily life situations can also lead to feelings of rejection, for example if no one laughs on your joke.
Feeling rejected is the opposite of feeling accepted, but it it does not mean that one is not loved or valued, it shows you that there is room for improvement and that you should learn from your mistakes.
People who are too afraid of rejection hold back from going after something they want.
The better you are at dealing with rejection, the less it affects you.
How to deal with rejection?

  • Acknowledge it to yourself

Don't try to pretend like it is not painful, instead think about how normal it is to feel the way you do, given your situation.

  • Use the rejection as an opportunity for self-improvement.

If your skills weren't good enough this time, you should work on them to improve your chances of getting accepted next time.

  • Don't allow rejection to define you.

If you have been rejected once, doesn’t mean you will be rejected next time as well and it surely does not mean that you are not capable. It means that you should keep on trying.
Mentally strong people know that rejection means that they are living life to the fullest. They are not afraid of being rejected. If you have never been rejected, it means that you are living far inside your comfort zone. Mentally strong people learn from their mistakes. With each rejection they grow stronger and become better. So use rejection as an opportunity to move forward with more wisdom because as they say,

" A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success."

Written by Fatima Amir



Fatima Amir

A young writer and a proud Pakistani who has a love for writing and wants to showcase her writing in front of the world. Be part of my journey by following me!