How to plan your new year's resolution?

Hitesh abrol
4 min readDec 25, 2022


It's Christmas today.


First of all Merry Xmas to everyone.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

On this day, everyone prays for Santa to come and give him goodies, gifts, and good luck.

But in today's time, we need not wait for Santa to come instead everyone needs to behave like Santa for himself and his family.

But the question arises as to how anyone can do all this work. This can be done by upgrading yourself on a daily basis.

Photo by Srikanta H. U on Unsplash

Again the question arises of how can anyone understand what is best for whom?

Because everyone has his own needs, own inspirations.

Then the criterion for upgrading can't be the same?

I hope everyone would agree with me.

So how can anyone decide which one is best for him?

Photo by Júnior Ferreira on Unsplash

From my perspective, One can decide by reviewing his own past.

Since the year is about to end, everyone will make his own resolution to make his year special to himself. But many of us never stick to it. But those who stick to it, create history.

Photo by History in HD on Unsplash

Who are these people?

How can they stick to their plans?

How do they create their plans?

I use to seek answers to these questions from many of the successful people's interviews. To complete research on this, I listened to a number of interviews.

The fact that I found is that they first analyze their previous year like what they plan for that year vs what they achieved.

What was their best achievement and why he achieved that?

Which was the worst and why it happened to him?

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Then they analyze whether they have achieved what they wanted or not.

If yes, then what next?

If not, then how will they achieve?

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

They carry their journal and plan their future from them because that is the manuscript of the film that he is playing for so long. They look for the answers to their questions from it.

Because here everything is written about what they have done in their lives from good to bad. better to worse.

Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash

Then they put on their final plan what they wanted to achieve in their lives and what they have achieved to do it.

Then they plan for their future. They work on every tiny aspect to the higher one.

One needs to understand that future can never be created without accessing your past.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Planning is a must in every aspect of life because everyone here lives two different lives from personal to professional one.

Thus either you work for your passion, where your personal and professional goals combine together.


Create a different plan for professional and personal goals.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

This is the best work that successful people do while planning for their future, they give more emphasis on their past.

Ladders can only be created by creating the base for it.

Thus asses the past to create the future.

Before doing anything your biggest goal must be ready. Because these are the tiny steps that you take to reach the final goal. Only then create your final resolution and access it on a daily basis.



Hitesh abrol

Hitesh Abrol is a renowned medium and spiritual guide with over 5 years of experience with 3 Published Books.