How To Seize the Time for Mindfulness to Your Advantage

With a meditation technique that will help you

Francis Ekwunife
4 min readJul 27, 2023


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Hey there,

You’re here because all the meditation techniques you’ve tried don’t seem to help you.

Not even one.

You always fantasize about this dream…

Photo by Eddie Kopp on Unsplash

Where after every session of meditation, you immediately get this sense of blissful peace.

A peace that will melt all your stress away and leave you happy.

A dream where you’re the most peaceful person in your friend group.

But, in reality…

Every technique of meditation you try doesn’t help.

Instead, you become more frustrated and angrier than when you started.

Your dream of blissful peace can become a reality.

I’m sure you want a technique to help you.

A technique that will turn that dream into a reality.

In this blog, you will learn a technique that will help you achieve the inner peace you desire.

How do I know it will work…

Well, it is the same technique I use, and after every session, I leave happier than I went it.

So let’s dig in.

1. Find a comfortable spot to be in

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To begin, for this meditation technique to work well.

I want you to find the most comfortable spot in your home.

Thinking is good for your mind, but too much thinking leads to distraction. E. Habib

A comfortable spot will reduce how many thoughts that come to your mind.

So right now, I want you to go to a comfortable place at your home and relax.

This technique will only work if you do this.

2. Find an area on your body to focus on

Photo by Nsey Benajah on Unsplash

Now, pick any part of your body that you will concentrate on for the remainder of this meditation session.

It could be on the surface or insides of your body.

But your whole attention should be on this area of your body.

3. Close your eyes and focus on that area and your breathing

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Close your eyes. When you do this, you won’t be distracted by objects around you.

Your attention should still be on that area of your body you picked to focus on while your eyes are closed.

With your eyes closed and your attention on the body area you picked, you should also focus on your breathing.

I don’t mean you should control your breathing, but instead, take notice of your breathing patterns.

Now that you’re in that comfortable spot with your eyes closed and your attention on the body area you picked and your breathing…

Let’s move on to the final step of the meditation technique that will help you.

4. Whenever you drift off, refocus back on that area

Photo by Sam Moghadam Khamseh on Unsplash

Once you’re done all of the other steps, you’re now meditating.

The last step is…

Whenever any distracting thought comes to your mind.

Try to become mindful of it and refocus on that body area.

The idea is not to beat yourself up for being distracted.

But it is about being mindful and refocusing on that body area.

Congratulations, you’ve just practiced a meditation technique that will make you use mindfulness to your advantage.

It’s time for you to quit all the other meditation techniques that don’t help.

And use this one…

because it will guarantee you the blissful peace to want.

Use this method for 20 minutes every day for one week, and watch as you attain that blissful peace.

As always, please support me on Ko-fi here.



Francis Ekwunife

Catholic blogger teaching you practical skills to upgrade your mindset and life. Get my free email course: